Agenda Background Reading Street Curriculum English Class Goals / Expectations Homework Assessments Questions
The English Language Arts curriculum for grades 2-5 at Yinghua Academy By Scott Foresman (Pearson)
Reading Street Curriculum Integrates all MN and National Common Core standards Helps us to prioritize instruction to support higher levels of reading and writing. Provides rigor through differentiation of all lessons and texts Balances fiction and informational texts Builds content-area knowledge and vocabulary Coordinated reading, writing, & spelling Integrate media and 21st century skills
Goals for English Class 1. Learn How to Read! (fluency) * Phonics, Guided Reading 2. Develop Writing Skills * Writing Lessons, Journal Writing, Group Writing 3. Use Correct Spelling and Punctuation *Weekly Spelling Words, Word Sorts, Word Families, etc. 4. Build Comprehension Skills * Teacher Read Aloud, Discussions, Partner Reading 5. Practice Handwriting * D’Nealian – 2 nd Grade Cursive – 3 rd Grade 6. Enrich Vocabulary * Weekly Vocabulary words
Classwork * Spiral Notebook / Composition Notebook * Class Folder / Take – Home Folder * Classwork Packets * Used to reinforce taught concepts * Helps to check understanding * Done in class * Extra worksheets in packet – additional practice at home ( NOT REQUIRED) * Activities / Projects * Used to enrich the curriculum and make learning interesting and fun.
Homework & Assignments Each week we will have a similar set of assignments. Be sure to look for: 1) Daily reading 30 minutes+ with a summary due each week 2) Daily spelling/word work 3) Comprehension worksheets, vocabulary work, writing, etc. ***New packets are assigned each Friday!***
Assessments * Formal and informal assessment will be done throughout the term and will help guide our instruction. * NWEA – twice as year (Fall & Spring) * Weekly Spelling Quizzes * Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes (3 rd )
Communication * * Classroom Page (2013yinghuarocks) * Attach a note to the homework