India Chapter #25
I. Natural Environments A. Physical FeaturesA. Physical Features –World’s highest mountains? –Subcontinent? –Supercontinent? d
B. Landforms Himalayan Mtns.?Himalayan Mtns.? –Ganges River? Holy River? Gangetic Plain?Gangetic Plain? –Indo-Gangetic Plain Deccan Plateau/Peninsula?Deccan Plateau/Peninsula? –Mtn. ranges? (2)
C. Great Rivers Narmada River?Narmada River? –Dams? Godavari & Krishna?Godavari & Krishna? Brahmaputra?Brahmaputra?
D. Climates & Natural Resources Monsoons?Monsoons? –Process? –Wet season? –Dry season?
E. Natural Resources Most important? (2)Most important? (2) Arable land?Arable land? Coal?Coal? Petroleum?Petroleum?
II. History & Culture Aryans?Aryans? –Sanskrit? –Pantheon?
A. European Influence Europeans in India?Europeans in India? –WHEN, WHO, & WHY? –British East India Company? –Raw material?
B. British Rule Brits defeat French?Brits defeat French? –Role of East India Company? Sepoy Revolt?Sepoy Revolt? “jewel in the crown?”“jewel in the crown?” Products of India?Products of India?
C. Independence Indian National Congress?Indian National Congress? Mohandas Gandhi?Mohandas Gandhi? –the “Mahatma” –Method of liberation? Boycott?Boycott? Date of independence?Date of independence? Tension betw. Hindus & Muslims?Tension betw. Hindus & Muslims? –Partition? Government of India?Government of India?
D. Religion Constitution on religion? --secularConstitution on religion? --secular Hinduism?Hinduism? –% of followers? –Mono or Polytheistic? –Reincarnation? –Dharma? –Karma?
Caste System?Caste System? –Brahmins? –Kshatriyas? –Vaisyas? –Sudras? –Dalits or “untouchables?” –Social mobility? Constitution on the Caste System?Constitution on the Caste System? Modern Day discrimination?Modern Day discrimination?
Caste System
E. Islam & others Muslim population?Muslim population? Sikhism?Sikhism? Jainism?Jainism? Majority pop.?Majority pop.? National language?National language? Language ofLanguage of commerce & politics? commerce & politics?
III. India Today A. India’s EconomyA. India’s Economy –Basis of India’s economy? –Industrial production? Per capita GDP?Per capita GDP? –Cottage industries? –India & Energy? –More foreign investment?
What is Globalization? The process of interaction & integration among the people, companies, & governments of different nations.The process of interaction & integration among the people, companies, & governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade & investment, & aided by information technology (internet).It is driven by international trade & investment, & aided by information technology (internet).
Bangalore & Globalization Y2K?Y2K? India Institute of Technology (I.I.T.s?)India Institute of Technology (I.I.T.s?) –Information Technology (IT)? General Electric & Texas Instruments?General Electric & Texas Instruments? Outsourcing the service industry?Outsourcing the service industry? –Medicine? –Education? –Accounting? –WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR AMERICA?
B. Cities & Villages Indian pop. in villages?Indian pop. in villages? Large cities?Large cities?
C. Challenges Wealth gap?Wealth gap? Effect of population growth?Effect of population growth? Environment?Environment? Political Issues?Political Issues? –Kashmir?