FRAMEWORK Purpose of the presentation Introduction Strategic priorities - Continued prioritization of the African Continent -Improving Political and Economic Integration of SADC -Strengthening South-South relations -Strategic relations with formations of the North -Strengthening Political and economic relations -participating in the global systems of governance Known IR activities Improving governance Benefits Conclusion
PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION To provide an update to the Portfolio Committee on current IR engagements in the DSD
INTRODUCTION In response to government’s strategic thrust of creating a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World, DSD’s International Relations engagements are aimed at developing and nurturing social development partneships through: - Promotion of bilateral activities that make the most effective contribution to poverty reduction - Harmonization and integration of policies through participation in multilateral structures and organizations
INTRODUCTION CONT… In determining strategic priorities, the DSD is guided by the following: - ICTS cluster priorities - State of the Nation address - Minister’s budget speech - Presidency and DIRCO directives - Bilateral and multilateral commitments - Request from partners
SUMMARY OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Bilateral Engagements Southern African Development Community (SADC) Bilateral Engagements African Union (AU) NEPAD South/South Cooperation including NAM & G77 + China IBSA/BRICS
1. CONTINUED PRIORITISATION OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS African UnionThe Department participates in: -AU meeting of Ministers of Social Development -AU meeting of Ministers for Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention -AU Population and Development ZimbabweCurrent collaboration is on issues around unaccompanied minors The agreement has been signed DRCA team placed in the DRC facilitated capacity building of 200 officials A delegation from DRC will visit RSA to develop new projects
2. IMPROVING POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF THE SADC ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS SADCThe Department participated in various SADC meetings on youth and victim empowerment 3. STRENGTHENING SOUTH-SOUTH RELATIONS ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS IBSAIBSA Social Development Strategy finalised Implementation Plan has been circulated to IBSA countries
4. STRATEGIC RELATIONS WITH STRATEGIC FORMATION OF THE NORTH ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS UNESCOParticipated in Early Childhood Development workshop in Russia OECDParticipates in Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee EUThe Working Group on Social Development and Employment has been established The agreement has been submitted to EU for finalization Cooperation is on youth and unaccompanied minors UNFPASupport Population and Development activities
5. STRENGTHENING POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS CubaInitial phase of Masupatsela completed and accreditation approved Looking at technical support to replicate Masupatsela project Japan (JICA)Collaboration is on disability programme Focus is on capacity building and technical support ChinaAgreement in place The Department hosted two delegations to share lessons on programs for older persons and social security Mali, Brazil, Angola, Chile, Sudan, Lesotho, Swaziland, Ghana, Uganda, Singapore, Sweden, UAE, Tanzania, Tunisia, Mauritius, Mexico Agreements signed with Mali, Mauritius, Brazil, Mexico, Uganda,.Brazil and Angola Agreements with Lesotho, Canada are at various stages of development
6. PARTICIPATING IN THE GLOBAL SYSTEMS OF GOVERNANCE UN Organisations The Department participates in the following: -Commission on Social Development (February) -Commission Population and Development (April) -Commission on the Status of Women (March) -Commission on Narcotic Drugs -Commission on Crime Prevention -Convention on Disability Strengthen partnership with UN agencies Agencies have contributed to capacity building Development of international negotiation skills
6. PARTICIPATING IN THE GLOBAL SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE ACTIVITYCURRENT STATUS ISSADG serves on ISSA Board The Department participated in capacity building initiatives Coordinate ISSA Southern Africa activities ISSDDG serves on ISS Board PPDMinister serves on PPD Board Assisted with capacity building initiatives NEW STRUCTURE: BRICS- social security
7. IMPORTANT EVENTS COMING UP Incoming events Tbc – Bilateral visit by Brazilian Minister March – Lesotho Tbc – Thailand Outgoing events 24 Feb-7 March – Commission on Status of Women, USA April –Commission on Population and Development International Social Services Meeting May European Forum for Restorative Justice- June Commission on Crime Prevention/ Criminal Justice- April Bilateral visit to Australia/ India International AIDS Conference July, USA
8. STRENGTHENING GOVERNANCE DSD has developed “Guidelines on Coordination of IR engagements” which addresses issues such as finances, insurance, conduct during meetings and reporting. The Department participates and reports to the ICTS Cluster, Internal Coordinating Structure, MANCO and the IR Coordinating Committee where provinces and other relevant structures participate. DSD has drafted the IR engagement strategy based on the Government White Paper on International Relations. Intranet page on IR is available where officials can access and post all reports on activities.
9. BENEFITS FOR PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS Social development is now on top of the agenda of SADC, AU and UN. Benchmarking exercises have contributed to strengthening policy and programme development, including the establishment of SASSA. Capacity of officials in negotiations, conflict resolution and international project management enhanced. Many countries have gained through visiting the Department.
10. CHALLENGES No set calendar for international engagements - DSD communicates with DIRCO regularly to get updates In most instances, partner countries do not have funds to implement projects. - DSD promotes trilateral cooperation Mushrooming of international engagements - Even though it is important for DSD to prioritize activities it is even more important to allocate adequate resources to international relations.
11. CONCLUSION IR is about partnerships, communication and responsibility Acknowledge that the Department has made a huge mark internationally There will always be challenges and limitations The Department is committed to capacity building of all officials Finally IR is not about instant results, but about “the big picture” NDAA!