Why should China not control its population? Add in as many answers as possible
Population Pechacucha By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Have researched a issues in China and India 2)Have presented your different ideas to the rest of the class 3)Have applied your new knowledge and evaluated the effectiveness of the different policies that have been applied
HW 1.You need to read through the China case study details 2.You need to add on any additional information to your case study presented in the lesson 3.Find 15 additional facts on India about its population control methods (each fat should have a figure or specific detail included 4.Focus on Figures and specific detail in your answers 5.Good luck
Presentation Task You are going to work as a group to produce a PPT presentation 1.You need to produce a presentation 2.You need to produce a fact sheet 3.You are only allowed a maximum of 50 words on each slide + Picture 4.You are allowed 20 slides in total 5.You will have 30 seconds per slide! 6.You need to answer all of the questions on your task sheet Key questions 1.What are the key figures related to population for China and India before and after political intervention? (BR, DR, NI, IMR, FR etc.). 2.What are the key features of the population Pyramid? (inc diagram) 3.Why do they need population policies? 4.What policies have they used? 5.How effective have they been? 6.What impacts have they had on the population structure ( different age groups / gender/ dependent/ non dependent) 7.What impacts on BR, DR, NI, IMR, FR etc 8.How does the population changes threaten the country? 9.Overall have they been a success or not?
Population Pechacucha By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Have researched a issues in China and India 2)Have presented your different ideas to the rest of the class 3)Have applied your new knowledge and evaluated the effectiveness of the different policies that have been applied
Time to Present; Task 1.You will have 10 minutes in total to talk through your presentation 2.Good luck!
Population Pechacucha By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Have researched a issues in China and India 2)Have presented your different ideas to the rest of the class 3)Have applied your new knowledge and evaluated the effectiveness of the different policies that have been applied
Discussion point; Countries can if they want effectively control population through intelligently produced planning Agree Disagree key question How would you agree with this statement? What evidence do you have? How would you disagree with this? What are the different issues in population control? Can they actually be targeted? Have the policies in India been effective?
Population Pechacucha By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Have researched a issues in China and India 2)Have presented your different ideas to the rest of the class 3)Have applied your new knowledge and evaluated the effectiveness of the different policies that have been applied
What have you learnt?