Cedefop Handbook on National Guidance Forums – Purpose and rationale Mr Mika Launikari Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 4-5 June 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Cedefop Handbook on National Guidance Forums – Purpose and rationale Mr Mika Launikari Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 4-5 June 2008

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. POLICY FRAMEWORK -GUIDANCE RESOLUTION 2004 invites the member states to create a suitable institutional environment and adequate systemic devices for converging strategies towards building national and regional lifelong guidance systems - OECD AND CEDEFOP CAREER GUIDANCE REVIEWS indicate a need to develop cross-sectoral and inter-institutional cooperation as well as to strengthen the role of key players and stakeholders in this context -JOINT PROGRESS REPORT (2008) ON IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION&TRAINING 2010 WORK PROGRAMME addresses integrated lifelong guidance systems in the context of lifelong learning, future skills and qualifications, social inclusion and immigration -STRATEGIC REPORT ON RENEWED LISBON STRATEGY FOR GROWTH AND JOBS ( ) emphasises active inclusion policies, equal opportunities, investment in human capital and good quality jobs 1 Cedefop, Thessaloniki – 4-5 June 2008

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -EC DGEAC/JOINT ACTIONS INITIATIVE ( ) funded two 6-country projects on developing national policy coordination mechanisms, stimulating peer learning and supporting exchange of expertise -> POSITIVE RESULTS -EUROPEAN LIFELONG GUIDANCE EXPERT GROUP ( ) concluded that a European network would constitute a suitable mechanism to take forward lifelong guidance at EU level. - FINNISH EU PRESIDENCY CONFERENCE ON GUIDANCE (2006) stressed that lifelong guidance policies in member states require a stable mechanism at European level to ensure sustainable policy development and implementation at national level - EUROPEAN LIFELONG GUIDANCE POLICY NETWORK (2007) promotes cooperation on lifelong guidance at Member State level on as well as supports establishment of appropriate structures and support mechanisms for implementing the priorities identified in the Guidance resolution (2004) 2 Cedefop, Thessaloniki – 4-5 June 2008

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. CONCRETE ACTION CEDEFOP CALL FOR TENDER (2007) TO PRODUCE A HANDBOOK - to support policy makers and guidance stakeholders in the establish- ment of strategic partnerships - to give an overview of existing coordination mechanisms, achievements made and challenges to be addressed - to identify good practices and effective responses across Europe - to provide ideas and recommendations for developing guidance policies - to serve as a key input for the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network ELGPN 3 Cedefop, Thessaloniki – 4-5 June 2008

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. CONCRETE ACTION HANDBOOK DRAFT - circulated to the ELGPN for collecting feedback (February 2008) - used to support the ELGPN Peer Learning activity (April 2008) PRINTED HANDBOOK - will be available by the time of the French EU presidency conference (September 2008) EVALUTION OF NATIONAL GUIDANCE FORUMS - UPDATING THE HANDBOOK - to be discussed and decided at Cedefop (during ?) 4 Cedefop, Thessaloniki – 4-5 June 2008