Newbridge College Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme Mr. Declan Corbett – Co-ordinator
What is the LCVP? An enhanced Leaving Certificate Two linked Leaving Certificate Subjects (VSGs) Modern European Language Two Link Modules: Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education
Vocational Subject Groupings Construction Studies & Technical Drawing Physics and Construction Studies Home Economics and Biology Home Economics and Art Accounting or Business or Economics (any two) Physics and Chemistry Biology and Chemistry or Physics Construction Studies and Business or Accounting or Economics Home Economics and Business or Accounting or Economics Art and Business or Accounting or Economics Music and Business or Accounting or Economics
Portfolio Assessment Section 1 Core Items Curriculum Vitae Career Investigation Summary Report Enterprise / Action Plan Section 2 Optional Items Diary of Work Experience Enterprise Report Recorded Interview /Presentation Report on “My Own Place” Students must submit a total of 6 items comprising the 4 core items and any two of the optional items
Section AAudio Visual Presentation Section BCase Study (received in advance by students) Section CGeneral Questions (four out of six) Terminal Examination Paper - Content
Certification Distinction 80% - 100% Merit 65% - 79% Pass 50% - 64%
LCVP Recognition Students can use the LCVP as one of their 6 subjects when calculating points for college The Universities and Institutes of Technology are awarding the following points: Distinction 70 points Merit 50 points Pass 30 points
Active Learning in the LCVP Every activity the students engage in should be broken down into five distinct phases: Phase 1:Plan (set goals & prepare) Phase 2:Experience (the activity itself) Phase 3: De-Brief (reflect on the experience) Phase 4: Evaluate (analyse, draw conclusions) Phase 5: Record (complete a diary/report)
Typical LCVP Activities Inviting visitors to the classroom Conducting out - of - school visits Working in teams Investigating the local community Actively preparing for work Experiencing the world of work Making presentations Using ICTs
The LCVP….some benefits Developing key “Transferable skills” Access and use of ICT’s Report Writing Skills Career Investigation Job Seeking Skills Work Placement / Work Shadowing Portfolio Assessment 60% Points for college Further information