University of Rijeka
The Location of the University of Rijeka Location of the University of Rijeka Rector’s Office Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Maritime Studies Faculty of Economics Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Law Faculty of Philosophy Teachers’ School of Professional Higher Education University Library Students Centre Teachers School of Professional Higher Education Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Economics and Tourism Teachers School of Professional Higher Education University Library Students Centre
The University of Rijeka is situated in the cities of Rijeka, Pula, Opatija and Gospić within the regions of Primorje, Istria and Lika; Second in size and ranking in the whole of the country; A state-funded university under the direct authority of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. The modern university was founded in 1973, but the first school of higher learning was established in 1627 by the Jesuits; The Faculty of Philosophy, established in 1726, operated for two years. The Theological Faculty was founded in From 1773 to 1780, Rijeka was the seat of the Royal Academy. About the University
The University of Rijeka is presently comprised of ten faculties, three Teachers Schools of Professional Higher Education, two University Libraries and Students Centre. The total number of students is about 17,538. Of these, 12,864 are full-time students and 4,674 part-time students. The University employs 997 full-time teachers and other staff of 616. The University authorities are comprised of the University Senate and the Rector. Vice-Rectors for research and international co- operation, for teaching and student affairs, for finances and organisation assist the Rector. Two Rector’s assistants for professional and development programmes and for the promotion of quality culture.
Signed bilateral agreements with: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia University of Maribor, Slovenia University of Trieste, Italy University of Udine, Italy University of Trento, Italy University of Macerata, Italy University of Bologna, Italy University of Rostock, Germany University of Malta, Malta Central University of Chile, Chile University of Economics in Krakow, Poland University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstantin Preslavski University, Shumen, Bulgaria
The University of Rijeka is a member of: Inter-University Centre of Post Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik EUA (European University Association) UniAdrion Network (Network of the Universities of the Adriatic and Ionian Basin) Rectors' Conference of Alps-Adria Community Member Countries Rectors' Conference of Danube Countries DAAAM (Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, Vienna), MIB (Consorzio Master in International Business, Trieste).
University of Rijeka participates in: TEMPUS III TEMPUS III (Trans European Mobility Programme for University Studies) programme of the European Union FRAMEWORK 6 FRAMEWORK 6 Jean Monnet Interreg CEEPUS CEEPUS (The Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) TEMPUS (Structural and Complementary Measures Project)
Important units §Quality promotion office §Committee for teaching improvement §Universtas - Society for higher education development
Activities organized by Universitas l effective teaching and active learning, l methods for assessing learning, l supporting staff development to improve teaching and learning through a national network, l introduction to European higher education network, l quality in higher education, l innovations in teaching and learning l...
Other activities at the University §Reading and writing for critical thinking (RWCT) – active learning and critical thinking in higher education – workshop for university teachers
Conclusion §The need for continuous staff development programmes §The establishment of a staff development service as one of the key factors in achieving quality culture in higher education