Romania – National Regulatory Authority for Municipal Services
Central Authorities: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance Ministry of European Funds Ministry of European Funds Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Role: the development and approval of sector development strategies at national level Regulator: National Regulatory Authority for Municipal Services (ANRSC) Role: regulator, monitor and control services of public utilities (including water service and sewage) Other partners: National Regulatory Authority for Municipal Services (ANRSC) Role: regulator, monitor and control services of public utilities (including water service and sewage) Other partners: Local Authorities (Intercommunitary Development Association – IDA) Local Authorities (Intercommunitary Development Association – IDA) Professional Associations (Romanian Water Association) Professional Associations (Romanian Water Association) Operators of water supply and sewerage: provide service level constantly increasing expansion and modernization; Operators of water supply and sewerage: provide service level constantly increasing expansion and modernization; Unions. Unions. Water sector - institutions
ANRSC Presentation ANRSC is a public institution of national interest, operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration ANRSC is a public institution of national interest, operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration ANRSC main competences are: ANRSC main competences are: - issuing projects for normative acts in the area of public municipal services; - licensing of operators of public municipal services; - issuing of the methodologies for settlement, adjusting and modifying prices and tariffs for municipal services; - adjusting and modifying prices and tariffs for municipal services, taking in consideration the inflation rate, the currency exchange rate, the modification of production and distribution cost structures, as well as following the reorganization of the operators activity; - supervising the manner in which bids for delegating services administration are held; - monitoring and control the specific laws implementation at the operators and the local authorities
ANRSC Presentation A.N.R.S.C. is the qualified settlement authority for the following services of public utilities: a) water supply; b) sewerage and purification of used waters; c) collection, sewerage and evaluation of pluvial waters; d) production, transportation, distribution and thermal energy supply, except of the production of thermal energy in cogeneration; e) sanitation of towns; f) public illumination; g) the administration of the public and private domain of the administrative - territorial units. h) the local public transportation, in conformance with the abilities given by the special law.
ANRSC Presentation A.N.R.S.C. is managed by a president with the title of secretary of state, helped by a vice-president as a sub-secretary of state, named and revoked by the Prime Minister at the recommendation of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration ANRSC has a central structure and seven regional agencies ANRSC monitoring and controls 2558 operators that assure 2918 public utilities services: water supply and sewerage - 98 production, transportation, distribution and thermal energy supply sanitation of towns public ilumination public ilumination local public transportation
Characteristics of the water and wastewater sector: 42 regional operators 42 regional operators 2 large municipal utilities (private capital involvement) 2 large municipal utilities (private capital involvement) 200 local utilities, holding 10% of population covered with water services 200 local utilities, holding 10% of population covered with water services Level of coverage with water supply services at country level : Level of coverage with water supply services at country level : % in % in % in % in aprox. 64% in aprox. 64% in 2013 Degree of metering in % Degree of metering in % - at regional operators 93% - at regional operators 93% Water sector characteristics
Relationship Chart of the Regional Operators Unit??ile Administrativ Teritoriale Asocia?ia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitar? (ADI) Operatorul Regional (ROC) Contractul de Delegare Utilizatorii Performance monitoring Mandat Constitutive Act Local authorities (IDA) Regional Utility (ROC) Delegation Contract Final user Service supply Mandate
Operators Governance The number and size of the aggregation service providers (municipal, regional, etc.) regional operators plus SC Apa Nova Bucureşti SA and SC Apanova SRL Ploiesti hold ~ 90% of the service market. The regionalization process continue operating regional operators taking over in smaller towns ~ 200 operators at local authorities from towns Organizing legal service providers (public, private, state-owned companies or private companies in public administration, etc.) regional operators - organized as companies owned by local / county Two major private operators (SC Apa Nova Bucureşti SA and SC Apanova SRL Ploiesti) plus a few very small operators ~ 200 operators in small towns organized as companies or public services in local authorities Services Integrated services for water and wastewater / sewage - where no specific infrastructure
Specific relevant policies General Law No 51/2006 and the Special Law 241/2006 have been harmonized with European legislation. Law 204/2012 established the legal framework for regionalization of service delivery, adoption of simple and standardized procedures for carrying out regional operators, both institutionally and of how the delegation of the service and to implement the new concept the powers and duties of IDAs. The directives on drinking water quality, wastewater quality were transposed into law in Romania
ANRSC has elaborated and approved tertiary regulations: ANRSC has elaborated and approved tertiary regulations: - Licensing Regulation - Regulation of organization and functioning of the service framework, - The framework contract between the operator and the final consumer, - The Framework for delegation procedure - The procedure of establishment, adjustment and modification of prices and tariffs, under which each local authority approves their own rules - Framework for tehnical specification
ANRSC : Contact data : Bucharest, Romania