LO1 Know types of Network Systems and Protocols
Wan Technologies
Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to describe and compare different Wan Technologies: – Packet Switching – Frame Relay – MPLS – ATM – ADSL
WAN Technologies WANs use different technologies to a LAN WAN technologies are used to connect geographically separate LANs or PCs The Internet is the world’s largest WAN Routers join the WAN links to the LANs
Packet Switching Most WANs utilize some type of packet switching technology X.25 communications protocol was one of the first implementations of packet switching WANs Packet switching breaks down large LAN messages into smaller frames before routing them onto the WAN
Packet Switching
Frame Relay X.25 has been largely replaced by Frame Relay Frame relay uses a variable-size unit (frame) switched over a permanent virtual circuit Why its NB
ATM Switching technology that organizes digital data into 53-byte cell unit before switching over ATM switches
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching Packet switched network where packets are routed on labels Faster way of transporting latency-sensitive applications like voice and video
ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line ADSL transmits digital information at a high bandwidth on existing phone lines to homes and businesses
SUMMARY Many Wan Technologies are based on packet switching technology ATM uses fixed cells Frame Relay uses variable length frames MPLS uses labels to improve switching performance ADSL commonly used for internet access