Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Going from design to implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Going from design to implementation Professor Ben Kiregyera, African Centre for Statistics (UNECA) Tony Williams, PARIS21 Secretariat

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 I. Focus of work programme Main focus is on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) - Design - Implementation - Scaling-up support for statistical capacity building

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 II. Target Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics set a target: “to mainstream strategic planning of statistical systems and prepare National Strategies for the Development of Statistics for all low-income countries by 2006….” “…..and to have started to implement them by the following year with a view towards having better data to monitor progress towards national and international development goals by 2010”

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 III. Value added of NSDS approach NSDS Design and Implementation Participatory development Organisational development and management Statistical Capacity Building best practice Integrating NSDS into Development Policy Processes

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 IV. Coordination of Statistical Activities in a Country Agri. Health Labour Edu.

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Coordination of Statistical Activities in a Country Agri. Health Labour Edu. NSDS

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS ICP DHSMICS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 V.NSDS design process & Implementation Design process Process is as important as the product Great opportunity for statistical advocacy: building political commitment and launch: “road map” Assessing user needs and statistical system Visioning and action planning Implementation

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Building political commitment and launching the NSDS Will need: Successful advocacy, sensitisation, and dialogue with politicians, policy-makers, and decision- makers Participation by the managers of the national statistical system in national policy discussions Strong leadership of the NSO & the process Cultivation of “champions” Key outcome: Decision and a plan to develop an NSDS

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Mainstreaming stakeholders (taking a cue from PRS process) Process should be:  be participatory  be inclusive  use a concensus-building approach Plans that are country-specific and country-owned Ownership leads to more commitment, creativity, imagination, innovation and productivity. “People support what they help to create”

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Empowering statistical personnel : more effective ways of communicating with data users international statistical standards, concepts and frameworks experiences especially about what is happening in other countries Broaden and deepen communication intra-institutional communication inter-institutional communication

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Based on NSDS principles (developed by PARIS21 and partners ) Guide on Design of NSDS published by PARIS21 (2004) Some Issues in the Design and Implementation of NSDS by PARIS21 (2006) Guide on Integrating Sectoral Statistics in the Design of NSDS (AfDB, PARIS21 and Intersect )

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Lead to a truly integrated National Statistical System Labour Education Transport etc Agriculture Health NSO

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Labour Education Transport etc Agriculture Health NSO Partially coordinated National Statistical System

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Rationale for integrating sectors  a lot of development data are collected/compiled by sectors (Agriculture, Health, Education, Labour, etc)  sectoral issues and concerns not been given sufficient attention in national statistics  statisticians from line ministries been largely isolated & inadequately involved in discussion on capacity building  sectoral component of NSS tended to be under- resourced & is in need of more voice in sectors and in NSS

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 NSDS SSPS (Health) SSPS – Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics SSPS (NSO) SSPS (Edn. ) Bottom-up approach SSPS (Agric)

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Methodology 1.WHERE ARE WE NOW? Current situation 1.WHERE ARE WE NOW? Current situation 2. WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE? Mission/vision 2. WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE? Mission/vision 3. HOW DO WE GET THERE? Strategies/Actions 3. HOW DO WE GET THERE? Strategies/Actions 4. HOW DO WE STAY THERE? Sustainability 4. HOW DO WE STAY THERE? Sustainability Statistical capacity

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Assessment of the NSS (where we are now?) Organizational issues Reviewing the legal and institutional framework, linkages, and coordination arrangements Linkages and coordination arrangements Assessing organisational factors using e.g. SWOT

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Using Health Matrix Network Framework Resources Policies; Financial resources; Human resources; Communication; Coordination and leadership IndicatorsMinimum set of indicators Data sourcesTypes of data sources and standards Data management Data definition; flow; quality; storage; linkage Information products Users requirements; analysis; presentation Dissemination and use Infrastructure; synthesis; packaging; communication

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Components Framework applies to all sectors AgricultureEducationLabourHealthetc Resources Policies; Financial resources; Human resources; Communication; Coordination and leadership IndicatorsMinimum set of indicators Data sourcesTypes of data sources and standards Data managementData definition; flow; quality; storage; linkage Information products Users requirements; analysis; presentation Dissemination and use Infrastructure; synthesis; packaging; communication

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Where do you want to be? Agree a mission and vision statement Agree on desired results Set priorities and strategies to deliver the vision and results Visioning “Where there is no vision, a people (organizations) perish”, Bible – Proverbs 29:18

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Translate strategies into a detailed implementation or action plan, including: What is to be done, by whom and when (key actions) Actions to address each strategic issue and to reach goals Results and outputs to be achieved Detailed costs, overall budget and a financing plan Reporting, monitoring and evaluation arrangements NSDS implementation planning

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 Arrangements for implementation likely to include: Managing change “It’s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change”, Charles Darwin – father of evolution theory Leadership and management capacity Financial management and procurement Engaging and motivating staff

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 VI. To recap, an NSDS can help by: Addressing data limitations Prioritising the use of resources Looking across whole NSS Integrating statistics within policy processes Coordinating donor support Providing a robust framework and action plan for statistical capacity building Acting as a catalyst for change to build confidence and break the vicious cycle

Seminar on PARIS21 satellite programmes, 14 November 2007 VII. In conclusion National commitment: Statistical systems don’t exist in a vacuum: Don’t frighten governments and donors: Lesson learning: Country-owned NSDS will need high-level government commitment Need to support national policy processes Address institutional and organisational development as well as financial realism are key to sustainability Plans need to be costed and need to be realistic The NSDS approach must build on what exists and learn from country experiences of design and implementation