Community Action and Active Citizenship
This topic is all about how to go out there and make a difference. It is about you working out the best ways of doing that. It is very topical so keep up to date with the news.
How to make a difference:
There are 2 ways you can go about making a difference: Direct Action – directly acting to create the change you wish to see in the world. E.g. starting a community garden, blockading a road Indirect Action – asking someone else (often someone in a position of power) to make the change you wish to see in the world. e.g. writing a letter, lobbying, signing a petition
Direct action: 11 th October 2009: Greenpeace demonstration on the roof of the Houses of Parliament Youtube: Greenpeace volunteers occupy the roof of parliament to save the climate
Questions: Was this Direct action/Indirect action? Give a reason for your answer Describe what Greenpeace were doing, include their slogan. Why did Greenpeace campaign using direct action and not indirect action. Sometimes, groups that use Direct Action use unlawful pressure. (destroy fields of GM crops, release animals in labs) Do you think this is right?
Indirect action Petitions On the number 10 website, people can upload……. (give an example) This is an example of indirect action because……
Hope not Hate Campaign October 2009
My message to Nick Griffin Nick Griffin is lucky enough to live in a democratic society that is Britain where he can exercise his Right to free speech. I do not begrudge him exercising this Right. A Right that is entirely “British”. What is wrong is his abuse of this right. To act in a way that is totally disrespectful to other cultures and races is not what being “British” is all about!
Describe this campaign. Does it use Direct or Indirect Action. Give reasons for your answers. How effective do you think this method is? Give reasons for your answer.
You feel strongly about this and want it to stop. Which action would you use?
Complete the Sheet: Bringing About Change
Homework: Does signing a petition work? Print of source sheet and stick in book. Complete table in book. Online classroom, citizenship, year 10.