Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid” Review Quiz Write down your answers on a sheet of paper Grade yourself when you are finished The answers are on the last slide
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 1. What kind of revelation describes that which can be learned about God’s existence and attributes from creation? a. Special Revelation b. Creation Revelation c. John’s Revelation d. General Revelation
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 2. What kind of revelation describes that which can be learned about God from the Bible? a. Special Revelation b. Creation Revelation c. John’s Revelation d. General Revelation
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 3. What are “The Three Big I’s”? a. Irritability, Irritability, Irritability b. Inspiration, Inerrancy, Infallibility c. Infinity, Incongruences, Indefatigable d. Intuition, Interest, Infinity
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 4. In what three areas does the author of Psalm 19 desire to live in a manner pleasing to God? a. Actions, speaking and teaching b. Actions, speaking and thinking c. Speaking, teaching and walking d. Speaking, teaching and working
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 5. What does the word canon mean when discussing the books of the Bible? a. Camera b. Weapon c. Measuring stick d. Copier
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 6. At which historical church council did the Eastern Church and the Western Church agree that the current 66 books do indeed belong in the Bible? a. The Council of Carthage b. The Council of Hippo c. The Council of Iowa d. The Council of Jerusalem
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 7. Which of the following were important criteria for the Early Church fathers as they recognized the books of the Bible? a. Authorship b. Content c. Old Testament quotations d. Size
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 8. Which Bible translation is best? a. The English Standard Version b. The King James Version c. The answer is determined by the task d. The Thomas Jefferson Bible
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 9. What does tolle lege mean? a. “Get your hand off my leg!” b. “Did you pay the large tax?” c. “Follow the leader.” d. “Pick up and read.”
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 10. What does Vaughn Roberts believe to be the main theme of the Bible? a. The Coming of Christ. b. The Kingdom of God. c. The Martyrs of the Church. d. The New Covenant.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 11. How many books are in the Old Testament? a. 19 b. 29 c. 39 d. 49
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 12. How many books are in the New Testament? a. 46 b. 56 c. 65 d. 66
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 13. What does Hermeneutics mean? a. “Herman has a tick!” b. The Bible is complete. c. Bible study. d. Greek gods sent messengers.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 14. What is the first rule of Hermeneutics (Bible study)? a. Context, Context, Context b. Canon, Canon, Canon c. Humility, Humility, Humility d. Pride, Pride, Pride
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 15. Which of the following is true about Hermeneutics? a. It is easy. b. It is a science. c. It is an art. d. It is a spiritual exercise.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 16. Which of the following is true? a. We should interpret the NT through the lens of the OT. b. We should interpret the OT through the lens of the NT. c. We should interpret the NT through the lens of special glasses we found in New York state.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 17. Before we attempt to challenge others to apply God’s Word to their lives, we should: a. Pay them b. Perfectly live out God’s Word c. Apply God’s Word to our life d. Graduate from seminary
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid” Quiz Answers
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 1. What kind of revelation describes that which can be learned about God’s existence and attributes from creation? a. Special Revelation b. Creation Revelation c. John’s Revelation d. General Revelation
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 2. What kind of revelation describes that which can be learned about God from the Bible? a. Special Revelation b. Creation Revelation c. John’s Revelation d. General Revelation
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 3. What are “The Three Big I’s”? a. Irritability, Irritability, Irritability b. Inspiration, Inerrancy, Infallibility c. Infinity, Incongruences, Indefatigable d. Intuition, Interest, Infinity For further study: Read 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:19-20.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 4. In what three areas does the author of Psalm 19 desire to live in a manner pleasing to God? a. Actions, speaking and teaching b. Actions, speaking and thinking c. Speaking, teaching and walking d. Speaking, teaching and working Question: Do you truly desire to glorify God in every area of your life?
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 5. What does the word canon mean when discussing the books of the Bible? a. Camera b. Weapon c. Measuring stick d. Copier Question: Are you old enough to remember the TV show Cannon?
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 6. At which historical church council did the Eastern Church and the Western Church agree that the current 66 books do indeed belong in the Bible? a. The Council of Carthage b. The Council of Hippo c. The Council of Iowa d. The Council of Jerusalem
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 7. Which of the following were important criteria for the Early Church fathers as they recognized the books of the Bible? a. Authorship b. Content c. Old Testament quotations d. Size All 66 books of the Bible belong in the Bible. Have you read them all? If not, make that your goal before the course is out! I dare you! You’ll even get extra credit!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 8. Which Bible translation is best? a. The English Standard Version b. The King James Version c. The answer is determined by the task d. The Thomas Jefferson Bible You can read in any translation, but be sure you have a literal translation when you study (KJV, NASB, ESV, etc.).
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 9. What does tolle lege mean? a. “Get your hand off my leg!” b. “Did you pay the large tax?” c. “Follow the leader.” d. “Pick up and read.” Augustine heard children singing that from the backyard at his mother’s house. He did so and was converted by the Spirit of God!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 10. What does Vaughn Roberts believe to be the main theme of the Bible? a. The Coming of Christ. b. The Kingdom of God. c. The Martyrs of the Church. d. The New Covenant. It’s not a bad suggestion since the Bible is all about Jesus who is the King of kings!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 11. How many books are in the Old Testament? a. 19 b. 29 c. 39 d. 49 Which Old Testament book is your favorite? I really love the Psalms!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 12. How many books are in the New Testament? a. 46 b. 56 c. 65 d. 66 It’s a trick question! There are 39 books in the OT and 27 books in the NT for a grand total of 66!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 13. What does Hermeneutics mean? a. “Herman has a tick!” b. The Bible is complete. c. Bible study. d. Greek gods sent messengers.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 14. What is the first rule of Hermeneutics (Bible study)? a. Context, Context, Context b. Canon, Canon, Canon c. Humility, Humility, Humility d. Pride, Pride, Pride It’s God’s Word! When we open it, we should do so with an attitude of humility!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 15. Which of the follow is true about Hermeneutics? a. It is easy. b. It is a science. c. It is an art. d. It is a spiritual exercise.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 16. Which of the following is true? a. We should interpret the NT through the lens of the OT. b. We should interpret the OT through the lens of the NT. c. We should interpret the NT through the lens of special glasses we found in New York state.
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz 17. Before we attempt to challenge others to apply God’s Word to their lives, we should: a. Pay them b. Perfectly live out God’s Word c. Apply God’s Word to our life d. Graduate from seminary
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid”Quiz This image appears again for the same reason that it appeared previously— to mess with your mind! Sorry!
Introduction to the Bible “Intro. Hybrid” How did you do? Did I teach you anything? Y’all were smart before you met me! That’s the end of the power point! Thanks for stopping by! See ya in class!