Maastricht, 7 th of December 2011 Cradle to Cradle Network North-East Region.


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Presentation transcript:

Maastricht, 7 th of December 2011 Cradle to Cradle Network North-East Region

Actions implemented for BP transfer Phase 1 – Study the Theoretical framework, Perspective studies and Guidelines for BPs, – prepare short translation and presentation in Ro language – Pre-selection of BP feasible for transferability in the region(12) taking into account regional capacity criteria*) – Preparation of Subscription form (in RO) to be used for registering the interest for a specific BP – Post all materials on

Actions implemented for BP transfer Regional criteria: capacity of the stakeholder to prepare and implement projects, experience in sustainable initiatives, expertise in the field Phase 2 – Prepare and publish, regional press article and fax letters invitations (to local public authorities) to consult website and express interest for specific BPs – Organize thematic workshops for industry (Iasi and Savinesti), buildings (Iasi) and governance (Iasi)

Actions implemented for BP transfer Phase 3 Collect proposals for BP – University Ghe. Zane Iasi – JCI Romania – Custom Technologies Srl – OTIMMC Iasi – LPAs Neamt, Suceava, Botosani, Vaslui – ASTRICO NE regional textile cluster *) Collection of proposals was not be closed until first draft of RAP was prepared

Actions implemented for BP transfer Phase 4 – Identify EU BP provider – Provide support to both parts in collecting info and defining the cooperation/transfer context (learning questions, details collected, organize transfer workshops (Iasi June 2011), organize interviews – Define actions for transferability of C2C concept in North-East Region in RAP

Preparation of RAP Prepare TOR and select consultant group – AVENSA Consulting Iasi and Open Plan Consulting Italy) – June 2011 Set targets : – Identify sustainable development decisional stakeholders in the region and national level – Establish specific actions at: project level (project fiches), program level (memorandum letters and/or events addressed to specific list of stakeholders), strategy level (proposal formulated for RDP for North-East Region)

C2C BP transfer RAP North-East Overall objectives Generating less waste and less environmental pollution Enhancing innovation and economic development Enhancing social well being

C2C BP transfer RAP North-East Specific objectives Reducing utilization of raw materials Facilitating the transfer of most adaptable C2C good practices Defining a stakeholder network that will incorporate C2C principles into their social and economic vision Developing a set of tools which can be used to inspire companies, organizations and institutions, in making progress about the application of sustainable path production

Regional C2C Network For the public sector Municipality of Suceava Municipality of Roman Municipality of Piatra Neamt Municipality of Bacau Municipality of Botosani Municipality of Iasi Municipality of Vaslui County of Neamt County of Bacau For the private sector JCI Romania SRL Ghe Zane University JCI NGO County Library Ghe. Asachi Iasi

Regional C2C Network Role Build up capability to promote sustainable development Ensure financial sustainability of the actions Participate in C2C BP transfer Promote inclusion of C2C principles in the Regional programming documents Promote actions for increasing C2C awareness of the governance stakeholders and general population

Role of RDA in RAP Coordination of awareness actions at regional level Facilitation of exchange of experience between BP regional buyers and other stakeholders (multiplier effect) Increase existing C2C Network and reinforce the links with other public administration at national level and networks operating within region (lobby) Provide support to encourage knowledge transfer after project implementation (follow-up) Creating synergies with the implemented actions and the donors (platform for discussion) Promote C2C as cross-cutting issues and priorities in the TOR of future programs (programming)

C2C BP transfer RAP North-East Connection with regional planning structures – Regional partnership structure for RDP (regional thematic WG for infrastructure and environment, local partnership groups, regional planning committee) – Regional partnership structure for RIS (regional offer, demand and TT WGs) – Regional Development Board – Regional CBC Offices (JTS) RO-UA-MD

C2C BP transfer RAP North-East Connection with identified funding sources – RO-UA-MD COP second call for proposals – Priority Axis 2 Environmental challenges and emergency preparedness – Priority Axis 3 People to people initiatives – SOP Competitiveness – Priority Axis 1 An innovative and eco-efficient productive system – Priority Axis 2 RTDI for competitiveness – Priority Axis 3 ICT for private and public sectors – Priority Axis 4 Increasing energy efficiency and security of supply in the context of combating climate change – SOP for Human Resource Development, – Priority Axis 1 Education and training in support for growth and development of knowledge based society – Priority Axis 3 Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises – Priority Axis 6 Promoting social inclusion – Local budgets

C2C BP transfer RAP North-East 1.Eastex materials exchange 2.Limburg roundtables community of practice 3.Cob Bale Round House 4.Premio all’Innovazione Amica dell’Ambiente

Eastex materials exchange Objective: create a platform of cooperation among local communities that allows valorization of wastes as exchanged materials, reduces costs for wastes’ transport and deposit, ensures info collection on the quantity and location of wastes and increase awareness on the added value when using closed loop technologies Applicant: Municipality of Botosani Partners: Municipality of Suceava, Iasi, Vaslui, Chisinau (Republic of Moldavia) and Cernauti (UA) Source of funding: RO-UA-MD COP, Priority 3 People to people Budget: € Timeline for starting implementation: trim

Limburg roundtables on sustainability Objective: establish sustainable strategies for localities in North-East Region containing specific goals: – Sustainable local development strategies – Project portfolio based on “Doing well from the beginning”, promoting green buildings and constructions as local building administrators – Mentality changed Applicant: County Neamt and Bacau, Municipalities Bacau, Botosani, Piatra Neamt, Roman and Suceava Source of funding: Local budgets Budget: between 1, ,000€ Timeline for starting implementation: trim

Cob Bale Round House Objective: construction of two round houses using Cob Bale, thus learning people how to source, mix and build a cob house with necessary materials, making the difference between conventional building methodologies Applicant: University Ghe. Zane Iasi Partners: Municipality of Chisinau (Republic of Moldavia) and Cernauti (Ukraine), County library Ghe Asachi Iasi Source of funding: RO-UA-MD COP, Priority 2 Environmental challenges and emergency preparedness Budget: 650,000 € Timeline for starting implementation: trim

Premio all’Innovazione Amica dell’Ambiente Objective: development of “Scouts - friends of the environment” information networks in the cross border area RO-UA-MD by rehabilitation and development of an international camp (2 sites, one in Vaslui and the other in Soroca) using green building principles and having full range of “green activities” Applicant: County of Vaslui Partners: Municipality of Soroca (Republic of Moldavia) and Cernauti (UA) Source of funding: RO-UA-MD COP, Priority 2 Environmental challenges and emergency preparedness Budget: 850,000 € Timeline for starting implementation: trim

Follow-up Promote inclusion of C2C principles in new programming documents (other LPAs, Romania Government, international networks operating within NE region) – RDA actions as RDP promoter and member in NWGs Promote social communication and awareness raising actions on C2C principles toward governance stakeholders and general public – Conferences, meetings, newsletters (RDA member of Romania GBC), web page

Follow-up Sustain follow-up activities C2C European Network Encourage establishment of C2C Network in SEE area Keep contacts with C2C friends

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