BASIC SKILLS INITIATIVE: Research & Professional Development for Improving “Academic Fundamentals” Background/HistoryBackground/History Research PhaseResearch Phase Professional Development PhaseProfessional Development Phase Steering CommitteeSteering Committee
Background/History: March 2006 CIO/CSSO Conference – Joint resolution regarding English/Math AA Degree Requirements, identifying need for improving basic skills student success
April 2006 Budget Workgroup Meeting (1) Impromptu pre-meeting conference call (Ian Walton, Pam Deegan, Robin Richards, Randy Lawson), resulting in consensus to delay implementation date of new requirements and aggressively pursue resources to support basic skills student success (2) identification in the Budget Workgroup meeting of possible funding source – redirection of basic skills overcap funding ($750,000) to support a basic skills initiative and the remainder ($30 million) to be distributed to colleges on a per- basic skills FTES basis
May 2006 Consultation Council Discussion of new proposed requirements and the need for basic skills research
July 2006 Basic Skills one-time supplement allocated to colleges; expenditure plan required in September 2006
September/October 2006 Research phase initiated; $50,000 in research funds allocated through Mt. San Antonio College; research to be conducted by the Center for Student Success
October 2006 RFA for $700,000 for basic skills statewide professional development sent out to colleges expressing interest through letters of intent; function of the successful college to be to serve as fiscal agent to work with the Academic Senate
Research Phase Utilizing the review of literature and effective practices research commissioned by the System Office and conducted by the Center for Student Success, this proposal will facilitate the provision of new system resources to local campuses to improve basic skills instruction. The Center for Student Success proposed to complete their research by February 1, 2007.
The Research will include the following: 1.Review of the literature on successful basic skills practices 2.Identification/discussion of effective practices based upon the review of the literature 3.A self-assessment instrument colleges will use to assess their own status in relationship to effective teaching and learning in basic skills
Professional Development Phase: Working with the Statewide Academic Senate, the college successful in the RFA competition will conduct the following:
January/March 2007 Identify and Train Professional Development Teams (Steering Committee to oversee) 1.Develops qualifications for Professional Development team members. 2.Identifies teams (2 faculty members, CIO, CSSO–selected by the representative organization - at least 10 teams); 3.Identifies and schedules campuses to receive first round of professional development.
February/March 2007 Create Resource Materials - The Steering Committee, working with the Academic Senate’s Math and English Ad Hoc Committee, the Senate’s Basic Skills Committee, and the Center for Student Success will create resource manuals for use at the colleges. These resource manuals will: a) outline the general principles and processes that work to improve basic skills success rates, providing a “menu-based” approach for campus selection; b) identify a list of successful projects for possible campus selection; c) address the specific request for “alternative” career-related math and English college-level coursework (e.g. Math for Health Careers instead of Intermediate Algebra).
March - July 2007 Presentations at Statewide Conferences and Institutes Steering Committee members & Senate’s Basic Skills and Math and English Ad Hoc Committees make presentations at statewide meetings including: CIO/CSSO Spring Conference Senate’s Vocational Education Leadership Institute Teaching Institute Spring Plenary Session Curriculum Institute
Spring 2007 Provide training to the teams on the data and resource information to be provided to each college and the use of the resource manual Team 1 – Distribution of research information to college and assessment of college needs
Function of Team 1 Provide Information and Professional Development to Colleges Team 1’s will begin to visit campuses to facilitate conversations about: a) student success and what works based on the Center for Student Success research; b) campus deficiencies and needs identified in Center for Student Success Evaluation; c) process for planning for the year new basic skills system funding – include representatives from faculty, administration and staff in instruction and student services; and d) process for implementing “quick start” projects in Fall 2007 (e.g., class size reduction or increased tutoring services).
Meanwhile, back at the ranch The Steering Committee, working with appropriate groups, prepares menu items for best practice, outcomes, costs, to include “Quick Starts” and “Slower Starts” Colleges identify those menu items they want to pursue
Fall 2007 Based on “menu selection”, Team 2 makes college visits and provides in-depth training 1.Steering Committee will identify, based on menu selection, schedule campuses for additional professional development 2.Team 2’s visit campuses to facilitate conversations about: process for implementing “slower start” projects that require additional infrastructure or professional development prior to Spring 2008 or later start (e.g., new campus program or instructional delivery method); and process for planning additional projects utilizing additional new basic skills system funding.
Steering Committee: There shall be a Steering Committee consisting of the Academic Senate, CSSO, CIO co-chairs, project director, six faculty (to include math/English, student services, basic skills faculty), 2 CSSOs, 2 CIOs, the project monitor, and the Executive Director of the Academic Senate, as a non-voting member. The Steering Committee shall:
Role of the Steering Committee Work closely with the Executive Director on matters having to do with project implementation; Approve resource materials; Make replacements for faculty, CSSOs, CIOs on workgroups, Work with the constituents to communicate the Project goals to faculty, administrators and staff; Train and mentor faculty experts; Suggest meeting agenda items; Communicate the goals of the project to all interested parties; Report to the System Office; and Coordinate with the strategic plan GAIT and APG.