Signaling Pathways That Control Gene Activity TGFβ Receptors and the Direct Activation of Smads Presented By: Todd Lindsey
TGFβ Extracellular signaling molecules known as Transforming Growth Factor β superfamily. Secreted TGFβ is stored in extracellular matrix as inactive complex of TGFβ precursor bound to Latent TGFβ Binding Protein, or LTBP.
Release of Active TGFβ Binding of LTBP by matrix protein thrombospondin or cell-surface integrins. Conformational change in LTBP causes release of active TGFβ.
Smads Smad proteins function as transcription factors in the TGFβ signaling pathway. R-Smads (receptor-regulated) Co-Smads I-Smads (inhibitory)
TGFβ Receptors Type III TGFβ receptor -Cell Surface Proteoglycan -Binds and concentrates TGFβ near surface of the cell. Type II TGFβ receptor Type I TGFβ receptor
TGFβ Signaling Pathway TGFβ dimer induces formation of complex between Type II and Type I TGFβ receptors. Type II TGFβ receptor phosphorylates and activates Type I receptor.
TGFβ Signaling Pathway Type I TGFβ receptor phosphorylates an R- Smad (Smad3). Phosphorylated R-Smad forms cytosolic complex with co-Smad (Smad4).
TGFβ Signaling Pathway Smad dimer complex translocates into the nucleus. A nuclear transcription factor binds to smad complex, forming an activation complex that can bind to the target gene, activating transcription.
Regulation of TGFβ-Smad Signaling Pathway Negative Feedback Loops ▪ Cytosolic proteins, SnoN and Ski block transcription activation by bound Smad complexes. ▪ I-Smads, such as Smad7, blocks the Type I receptors from phosphorylating R-Smad proteins.
References Lodish, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. W.H. Freeman and Company. New York: