Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 The Common Career Technical Core Ron Dodge, Specialist Oregon Department of Education OACTE Preconference Workshop Sunriver, OR April 11, 2012
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC: Oregon’s Consolidated Feedback
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our goals for the day… 1.Explore where the national revision team is with the Career Clusters TM revision and the resultant Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) 2.Electronic responses to the revised Career Clusters TM KS statements sent by noon today. (They are waiting on us in Washington, DC!) 3.If time permits, discussion about Oregon’s transition
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page States Career Clusters TM Initiative (SCCI) (2002) began as an effort of the National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc—“State Directors”) Revised in 2006 and 2008
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page More involved revision Partnered with National Career and Technical Education Foundation (NCTEF) Led by Dr. Dean Folkers and Seth Derner 3000 Subject matter experts (SME) Partnered with Marzano Research Laboratory to validate and create the CCTC
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page Dr. Dean Folkers: “Common,” not “National” Broader partner base: Career Readiness Council NGA CCSSO Ford Foundation Gates Foundation Alliance for Excellence In Education Others College and Career Ready
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page College and Career Ready: Oregon definition (ESEA Waiver) A college and career ready student will be able to demonstrate a command of: 1) academic knowledge specific to the student’s career path, 2) technical knowledge and skills specific to the student’s career path, and 3) career path specific workplace/employability skills.
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page Our definition on steroids….
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page That reminds me…..
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Getting to the same page Process
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Career Clusters TM
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: Oregon’s Version
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: History 2002 Original States Career Clusters TM skill sets – Essential Skills – Cluster Knowledge and Skill Statements – Performance Indicators – Measurement Criteria – Focus Area KS statements – Performance Indicators – Measurement Criteria Oregon revised to create the Oregon Skill Sets
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: History 2006 Career Clusters TM Revision—Oregon did nothing 2008 Career Clusters TM Revision—big OR revision – 2008 & 2010 Oregon Skill Sets revision with local business and industry teams
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 CCTC Background: (more)History Revision—responding to CCSS and national call for “College and Career Ready” students/workers – The writing team has been working on building a prototype of standards for career readiness that would replace the Essential Knowledge and Skills and would be used similarly to the Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (11/01/11 quote)11/01/11 quote
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our Task: Divide and Conquer Select one of the Career Clusters Group with those of the same ilk Run through the Cluster KS statements Run through the Focus Area KS statements Word smith those for which you have suggested revisions
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process….
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. Go to State Director’s Career Cluster TM website: Click on green Members button Log in: User name: Password: CCTC123 Under Resources and Tools, click on: Review and Feedback Links
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. List of Career Clusters with their Pathways:
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. You will see a page like this:
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. Using the top list, select the PDF for your Cluster You’ll get something like this:
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. Rate on two facets: Content and Level of Processing
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. Two options: Needs Workor On Target
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. After you have responded in the PDF, go to this link: Scroll toward the bottom (just past Archived Documents) Click on CCI Input LinksCCI Input Links
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. You’ll get this document:
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. You have to respond to each slide Survey memorizes your work Your information will be published with the resultant CCTC Survey closes April 12, at 11:00p We’ll come together around 11:30a-ish to discuss Oregon’s transition
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. Suggestion: look at current Oregon Skill list first –
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Our process…. See you at 11:30a!
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Thank you! The CTE Brand Logo, brand positioning theme and brand extensions are the property of NASDCTEc.
Oregon Department of Education | August 2011 Bonus: Updated Encabulator