Unit 3 Asking the way ( Fun time & Grammar time ).


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Asking the way ( Fun time & Grammar time )

Read as quickly as you can!

如果看到它就说 “ ha ” , 看到数字、字 母或单词就快速读出来哟!

ask...for help at the station take the metro on your right school go along... excuse me on the street get to your home next to

Tips : 小组讨论,看图复述。 Review time First, Yang Ling gets on the metro at Park Station. Next... Then,she's on Sun Street. She walks along... turn... next to...

Ask the way hospitalzoo cinemasupermarket How do I get to the...?

HowdoI get to the cinema bookshop hospital zoo library ? Grammar time

go along turn leftturn right at the traffic lights on your left on your right

A:Excuse me, _____do I ______ to the cinema?. B:Go______Mango Street, walk to Grape Street. Turn _____ at the traffic lights.Then go along Grape Street,walk to the Orange Street.You can see the cinema on your ______. A: Thanks. B: Not ____all. howget along right left at Fun time

A:Excuse me, _____do I ______ to the hospital?. B:Go______Mango Street, walk to Grape Street. Turn _____ at the traffic lights.Then go along Grape Street,walk to the Orange Street.You can see the hospital on your ______. A: Thanks. B: Not ____all. howget along left at Fun time

A:Excuse me, _____do I ______ to the library?. B:Go______Mango Street, ____ to Apple Street. Turn _____ at the traffic lights.Then go along Apple Street,walk to the Orange Street.You can see the library on your ______. A: Thanks. B: Not ____all. howget along left right at Fun time walk

A:Excuse me, _____do I ______ to the supermarket?. B:Go______Mango Street, walk to ______ Street. Turn _____ at the traffic lights. Then go along Apple Street. You can see the supermarket on your ______. A: Thanks. how get along right left Apple Fun time

Tips: work in two, find the way.

1. 准备听写单词。 2. 完成《练习与测试》第一单元第二课时。 3. 听录音,预习 Cartoon time 和 Rhyme time 。 Homework