Ensure that all students, regardless of career objective, are provided with opportunities and access to gain the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed for future employment
1981-Parker Project 1985-Passed by Legislature as part of school district standards (1) 1988-Districts were to have E4E Programs 1990-DPI issues its first resource guide 2001-Amendments to the administrative rule were passed 2003-DPI issues its second resource guide 2004-E4E plans were completed by September E4E plans are due by September 1
Collaboration and Partnerships Relationships and Leadership Enriched curriculum and experiences Modest and meaningful Flexibility by DPI
Title Administrative Rule PI 26, as it relates to each plan requirement, cited in italics Key idea Throughout the document, hints on developing quality responses are designated with this icon: This includes numerous resources that can be used in the development of these sections.
An introduction to the plan frames the process used to review, develop and revise the E4E plan with the goal of assisting all stakeholders in an understanding of the plan. The development team, key stakeholders, resources, and evaluative instruments or procedures utilized may be included. Use to plan approach to development of plan May be written last, similar to an abstract
Identify who will lead and coordinate the district education for employment program and how it will be coordinated. Formerly section 1 Properly licensed – LVEC or CTEC Position Description Communication within and outside the district
Identify who will represent the district on the regional Tech Prep Council. Formerly Section 2 Consortium Communication back to the district May reference the WTCS Tech Prep Webpage
Discussion Responses Questions
Describe the community, the school district, and the structure under which the school district operates. Include in this profile any factors which may be relevant to the district Education for Employment program. Formerly Section 3 Labor Market Information Economic and workforce development data
List the names of and purposes of the school/business/community partnerships in which the district is currently engaged, and describe the associated goals and activities of each. Formerly section 12 Business and education partnerships Economic and workforce development partners Coordination of E4E with other entities
Discussion Responses Questions
Section E - Collaboration & Partnerships Section F - Career & Technical Education Section G - Work-Based Learning Section H - Tech Prep Programs Section I - Career Development/School Counseling Section J - 21st Century Skills Section K - Program Access Section L - Coordination of Related Resources Section M - Professional Development Section N - Student Transcripts
Discuss the integration and practical application of academic skills, applied technologies, and work-based learning opportunities in Career and Technical Education programs throughout the district. Formerly Section 11 Types of programs with descriptions of current programming Career Clusters/Pathways implementation Understanding of entire CTE programming
Describe the work-based learning experiences available to students at every grade level, including specialized programming, how it is coordinated, and participation levels. Formerly Section 9 District-wide approach Vision, mission Involvement and coordination
Discuss how current and planned tech prep programs are provided in the district. This is a new section Integration of academics and CTE Participation levels Technical proficiencies and industry certifications Current articulation agreements
Discussion Responses Questions
Describe how the district addresses career awareness, career exploration, and career planning and preparation at appropriate developmental levels. Formerly Section 8 Quality components of comprehensive counseling program PK-12 career awareness, exploration, planning and preparation programming
Describe how educators from all grade levels and through numerous disciplines use 21 st century and employability skills to align instruction and create curriculum and activities designed to infuse and assess such skill proficiency within the PK-12 Education for Employment Program. Formerly Section 7 Global awareness, financial literacy, entrepreneurial literacy, civic literacy
Discussion Responses Questions
Describe how the district provides every student at each grade level PK-12 access to the appropriate components of the Education for Employment Program; as well as, how the district prepares students to actively participate in diverse work settings. Formerly Section 6 Diversity and multicultural competence
Identify other educational resources that are currently in or will become part of the Education for Employment program. Discuss how each is coordinated and evaluated for appropriate impact on the E4E program. Include the following: school district standards (s (1)) vocational skills high school graduation requirements programs for children at risk Tech Prep programs Youth Options Youth Apprenticeship other local district requirements Formerly Section 5
Describe professional development opportunities to be developed both inside and outside the district, staff involved, and a development timeline that assists the district in providing direction, substance, and quality to the implementation of the goals of the Education for Employment Plan. May not be necessary if addressed elsewhere Has or will conduct, purchase, or make available to staff
* Describe how the district Education for Employment program will be evaluated to measure program effectiveness and the process for modification and improvement. *Identify, through a narrative explanation or through example, how coursework completed outside of the normal high school curriculum (articulation agreements including advanced standing and transcripted credit agreements, advanced placement, industry certifications, and the like) will be documented on the high school transcript. Formerly Section 13
Discussion Responses Questions
Transmittal Form One copy for district One print copy of plan + original transmittal form to DPI Digital copy of plan + digital transmittal form to DPI One copy of plan to Tech Prep Council
May be requested by… Using the E4E website Auto loads account Including reasoning Expected reasonable submission date
Authentic planning process occurs, not a report developed/submitted Not a stand-alone plan; aligned with other district priorities and strategic plans Develop relationships that support meaningful coordination and collaboration Incremental change is appropriate; keep goals realistic Issues of format are not critical
Department of Public Instruction-request through LVEC/CTE Coordinators Tech Prep Councils and Coordinators Economic and Workforce Development Organizations Collaborative Business and Community Partners
Discussion Responses Questions