Super Storms The ______ earthquake destroyed many homes in Haiti. a) grasslandsgrasslands a) grasslandsgrasslands b) violentviolent b) violentviolent.


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Presentation transcript:

Super Storms

The ______ earthquake destroyed many homes in Haiti. a) grasslandsgrasslands a) grasslandsgrasslands b) violentviolent b) violentviolent c) bewarebeware c) bewarebeware d) preventprevent d) preventprevent

violent – adjective – happening with or because of a strong force

I am Huracan Mayan Storm and fire god

_________ of speeding cars when crossing the street. a) destroydestroy a) destroydestroy b) grasslandsgrasslands b) grasslandsgrasslands c) violentviolent c) violentviolent d) bewarebeware d) bewarebeware

beware – verb – to be on one’s guard; be careful

A seatbelt will help ______ an injury in a car accident. a) bewarebeware a) bewarebeware b) preventprevent b) preventprevent c) uprooteduprooted c) uprooteduprooted d) destroydestroy d) destroydestroy

prevent – verb – to keep something from happening

A bulldozer ____ trees and bushes. a) violentviolent a) violentviolent b) bewarebeware b) bewarebeware c) preventprevent c) preventprevent d) uprooteduprooted d) uprooteduprooted

uprooted – verb – torn or pulled up by the roots

A hurricane can ______ a building. a) uprooteduprooted a) uprooteduprooted b) destroydestroy b) destroydestroy c) grasslandsgrasslands c) grasslandsgrasslands d) violentviolent d) violentviolent

destroy – verb – to ruin completely

Scientists are trying to protect U.S. ________. a) preventprevent a) preventprevent b) uprooteduprooted b) uprooteduprooted c) destroydestroy c) destroydestroy d) grasslandsgrasslands d) grasslandsgrasslands

grasslands – plural noun – lands covered mainly with grass, where animals feed

Words are Fun SEE YOU NEXT WEEK Susan Ging Lent Production