1 TrIn 3101: Introduction to Interpreting Unit 7: Process Management
2 Class lesson plan-Nov Turn in Assignment #5: Forced Choice 2. Unit 7 goals 3. Process lecture 4. Practice activities 5. Finish taping introductions and oral discussion- analysis of recorded videotapes 6. Homework for Nov. 24: Assignment #6 – “Memory Building” Reading assignment pp
3 Unit 7 goals 1. Describe preparation, process management, and basic note-taking techniques to minimize the need for repetition and clarification 2. Consistently recognize when repetition and/or clarification is necessary 3. Ask for repetition and clarification appropriately in role-play situations 4. Demonstrate techniques for managing turn-taking when more than one person is speaking at a time 5. Describe the basic situational and process management techniques used in telephone interpreting
4 Clarification and Repetition Although interrupting the discourse is not ideal, it is far better than missing information or misinterpreting information. In order to minimize the number of times you will need to stop the speaker, interpreters should hone their listening, memory, comprehension, chunking, analysis and note-taking skills. In addition, interpreters need strategies for most quickly and effectively getting the information that was missed.
5 Before the interpretation begins, think about... Determining the most appropriate mode: consecutive or simultaneous The effectiveness of using note-taking or relying on visual and/or kinesthetic memory Speaker factors such as accent or dialect that may affect your interpretation or situational factors such as emotional content or technical content
6 Before the interpretation begins, think about... The length of the assignment—will you need breaks or another interpreter to switch with in order to avoid errors due to fatigue? During the interpretation, if you find you need to ask for repetition often, think about changing some of the factors mentioned. Would switching modes help? Would using or not using note- taking help? Would stopping the speakers more frequently help? Do you have the appropriate skills for the job?
7 When to ask for clarification… You didn’t hear it You didn’t understand it You can’t remember it Your interpretation was inadequate and you need to interpret it again Client/provider appears puzzled
8 How to ask for clarification and repetition 1. Try not to stop the speakers in mid thought. Wait until the speaker has finished a thought or phrase. If stopping the speakers is likely to bring a halt to the discourse, and if you can continue to make sense of the message, wait. If the spoken message no longer makes sense to you because of the missing piece, then the speaker must be interrupted.
9 How to ask One standard way of stopping the speaker is to hold up your hand, indicating you need a pause. If that isn’t recognized, another technique is to say, “Excuse me.” or “The interpreter needs to ask for repetition”.
10 How to ask After you have gotten the floor, be as specific and brief as you can. Unless you really need to hear the entire message again, only ask for a specific piece of information to be repeated. Examples: What was the name of the medication? What was the last option you gave? Did you say it should or should not be taken with meals? The interpreter needs clarification on the term “nebulizer”.
11 How to ask After getting the information you need, interpret it for the other party and indicate with your eye gaze and body positioning that you have returned to your stance as relayer of information. Refrain from getting into a conversation with either party. In most cases, these requests for clarification and repetition are not interpreted for the other party.
12 Handout: Small group discussion Discuss whether the statements in the handout are appropriate to use in asking for clarification, etc. Write an improved version of the given statement (if needed). Large group discussion
13 Pair activity: practical exercise The first student will read an English script aloud, paragraph by paragraph, and without pausing. The second student will interpret into the non-English language. The second student will also decide when to ask for clarification and how (what to say) to ask for it. The first student will make a note on the script to indicate where the second student decided to interrupt the discourse.
14 Interpreting for 3+ groups Discuss strategies for: A. a group therapy situation B. a medical appointment with husband and wife C. a school conference with teacher, psychologist, principal and both parents If time allows, act out one of the situations with an interpreter.
15 Telephone techniques Special factors: Unable to see either party Vocal sounds may be distorted Conference vs. single caller Language line Others?
16 Video: Introductions 1. Video cart 1 & 2: Video record your introductions as the interpreter 2. VCR cart: Bring your videotape, your evaluation sheet and a classmate or two to view your recorded introduction skit. Both you and your partner(s) discuss which aspects were done appropriately and suggest ways to improve the content and/or presentation. Interpreters take notes of all suggestions by classmate reviewers. Type your completed evaluations and give to the instructor on Dec. 8. You will also turn in your videotape to the instructor. It will be returned.
17 Homework for Nov. 24, Read and prepare a thought question for the article on sight translation: pp Weekly Assignment #6 (see syllabus): Memory Building (25 pts) Have a great week!