The wrong adress – pogrješna adresa How do you come to school? You come to school on foot.
Science museum – tehnički muzej Underground – podzemna željeznica On foot – pješice By bus – autobusom Traffic lights – semafor Far – daleko Guide – vodič Right – desno Left - lijevo
Answer the questions! What is the adress of the science museum? How are the children going to the science museum?
Task 3 The children are going to the museum. The are going there on foot. Their teacher, Mr Southgate, is waiting for them in front of the museum. The museum is in High Street. The science museum is next to the bank. The children are lost. They ask somebody to help them. Luka is an excellent guide.
Task 6 We can go by bus or Let’s ask somebody Excuse me, where is You can’t Turn left at Go The museum is It’s not far the science museum? straight. the traffic lights. from here. next to the bank. on foot. miss it. to help us.