Building International Communication Online with Pearson English Interactive Michael Rost tesol-2015/
What is PEI?
Why is PEI of potential value? A Situation-Complication-Resolution Framework
The Situation: Chat Question #1 How would you describe your own experience as a student with “online learning” or “virtual training”? (satisfying…unsatisf ying?) What has been one of your best online learning experiences to date? What features of that experience stand out for you?
The Situation: Chat Question #2 Give my students more practice time Give my students additional tools for learning English Allow for better communication with my students Make my role more manageable Give me more free time Be more in tune with current trends I just love technology! Other: _____________________ As a teacher, what is your primary reason for wanting to use technology in language learning?
The Situation: Students need more practice time. Asynchronous online instruction is the most feasible option. Online networking is part of modern life. Connecting language learning with students’ “online life” is natural. Independent learners tend to be the most successful. Providing the most meaningful online tools to them will make them more independent. Online communication is an alternate – not replacement – form of communication. It provides an additional “field” for language acquisition. A significant aspect of “21 st Century Communicative Competence” is participating in & managing online communication. Coding, running applications, playing, uploading, sharing, hacking, posting, editing are all 21C Communication skills.
The Great Technology Divide “The Haves” COMPLICATION
The Great Technology Divide “The Have Nots” COMPLICATION
Word Cloud responses: Describe your ‘user experience’ with ‘virtual training’ … The Great ‘User Experience’ Divide COMPLICATION
‘User experiences’ & ‘outcomes’ will always be mixed. COMPLICATION There are too many technical variables to predict universal success. Users without goal orientation are easily demotivated by “negative impact” experiences. Retention rates very low without ongoing encouragement Attention spans getting shorter. Without active “gamification”, user lacks “stake” in the outcome. Without appeal to sensory and emotional “learning styles”, users become disengaged.
LCD refers to…? The “working solution” is…an LCD approach SOLUTION Liquid Crystal Display Least Common Denominator Lutte contre la Désertification Low Carbohydrate Diet Lord Chancellor’s Department Local Climatological Data Learner-Centered Design Leveraged Commentary & Data Liters per Capita per Day Long Constrained Delay Living Causes Death Last Certified Day Launch Countdown Loose Cannon on Deck
Multi-syllabus, overlapping objectives SOLUTION
Ease of navigation (3-click rule) SOLUTION
Emotional investment: Story-based SOLUTION
Active learning styles: focus on listening & speaking SOLUTION
Microlearning Tasks: 90 second rule SOLUTION
Add interaction with Teacher SOLUTION
Gamifying: Track student work SOLUTION
Add help options SOLUTION
Provide continuous feedback & assessment SOLUTION
Provide blended options SOLUTION
Is online instruction better than no instruction at all? How likely is a student to complete an online course given no face-to-face contact with teacher or other students? Is blended learning (classroom + [OOC group projects+] individual online work) superior to classroom alone? LESSON : Resolving the contradictions about online learning OUTCOME
Request a demo code for PEI and try it out at home! SUGGESTION Erm…excuse me…Can I have a demo code for Pearson English Interactive? Absolutely!
Current situation with blended learning The evolution of the 21 st Century Teacher Resolving the contradictions of haves/have nots Redefining learning objectives Presentation & Handout (with Refs) available at: Comments/Questions: Conclusion Thank you for your participation!
[image] Supplement with human dynamics (teacher notes, community, discussion centers, group projects, mentors, tutoring, office hours, recreation) [image] Use a story base (ongoing characters, themes) or a theme-base for continuity and interest [image] Encourage micro-learning in short chunks [image] Teach (re-teach and teach again) strategies for effective online learning [image] “Gamify” – track results and reward Principles of Effective Online Instruction LESSON
wider accessibility fewer distractions clearer feedback greater variety greater predictability more control of pace less “loss of face” with errors more practice time for oral skills (listening, speaking, conversation [role play], pronunciation) “full time conversation partner” = Ss need more conversation practice Ss reluctant to speak in class (take the slow steps needed for confident conversation) more “focus on form” than classroom teaching Advantages of online learning over classroom learning LESSON