eTIGER and Early Postsecondary Opportunities TN Attendance Supervisors’ Conference September 10, 2015 Bobby Sanborn and Patrice Watson, Division of College, Career and Technical Education
Session Outline Overview of CTE Data Reporting Reports from the Field on CTE The EIS and eTIGER Relationship Early Postsecondary Opportunities Reporting Process for Early Postsecondary
Overview of CTE Data Reporting & Reports from LEAs
Overview of CTE Data Reporting There are five major data reporting periods in the school year for LEAs –O–Open Enrollment (January-February) Schools announce the CTE Programs of Study they will offer in the next school year –F–Follow Up Reporting (February-March) Determining recently graduated CTE concentrators postsecondary status –E–End of Year Reporting (May) Marking CTE Concentrators and attesting student rubric scores –D–Data Review (July and October) Reviewing and attesting last year’s data in eTIGER –F–Final Agreed Upon Performance Levels (FAUPL) Negotiations (November)
Reports from the Field Now that we have recently concluded a school year, and have begun another one, we have found LEAs have several questions for us: –Reporting student competencies takes a lot of time at the end of the year. What can we do to make this process less time consuming? –What is my role in data review? When I see data that is missing, or incorrect, how do I fix it? –What is this new SharePoint site? What do we review in there? –I am missing a teacher, or a class, or a set of students in eTIGER. What went wrong? –What changes do we have coming for this school year? Are there new postsecondary opportunities for our students?
The EIS and eTIGER Relationship
Sometimes eTIGER can feel frustrating to a CTE Director, like it just won’t work. But we can make everyone happy, if we learn how eTIGER and EIS work.
The EIS and eTIGER Relationship LEA Reporting Class Performance Follow-up Program of Study LEA Reporting Class Performance Follow-up Program of Study Perkins CAR Report Perkins CAR Report Other Research Reports Other Research Reports CTE School Report Card CTE School Report Card EIS Class Enrollment Teacher Data Student Data Earned Credits Cohort/Graduation EIS Class Enrollment Teacher Data Student Data Earned Credits Cohort/Graduation Assessment Division Assessment Results Assessment Division Assessment Results eTIGEReTIGER
eTIGER Data Display (Instructor Class Listing)EIS Search Instructor Class Listing Staff – Staff Assignment Instructor Assignment DateStaff – Staff Assignment Course Code/ Local Class NumberStaff – Staff Assignment Service SchoolStaff – Staff Assignment Class Begin/End DateStaff – Staff Assignment
eTIGER Data Display (Instructor Information)EIS Search NameStaff (search) Teacher License NumberStaff (search) GenderStaff (search) – Staff Assignments Race & EthnicityStaff (search) District/SchoolStaff (search)
eTIGER Data Display (Class Roster Screen)EIS Search Class RosterClass - Student List Student Class Assignment DateStudent - Class Schedule Student Enrollment DateStudent (search) Student InformationStudent (search) EIS Credit Earned Research Queries – Student Final Grade List
eTIGER Data Display ( Student Information)EIS Search District/SchoolStudent (search) NameStudent (search) Race & EthnicityStudent (search) GenderStudent (search) Student State IDStudent (search) GradeStudent (search) Enrollment DateStudent (search)
eTIGER Data Display (CTE Student & Cohort Data)EIS Search Cohort Year Student – Student Details Graduation Completion Type Student – Enrollment Information Included in CohortEIS (cohort application data) – from Data Quality
Timeframe on eTIGER Changes For an eTIGER change to be completed and attested, it takes a few steps and a few days. – Unattest the class in eTIGER – 1 business day – Once unlocked, make the necessary changes. Then save the data, which now turns pink to show changes are pending – 1 business day – Once no longer pending, then can attest the changes. The attest is pink since it is pending - 1 business day – Finally, the CTE Director needs to certify all changes in all classes – 1 business day
Timeframe on eTIGER Changes Why does the process take so long? –There is an overnight extract process with EIS for all changes to be saved. –This applies to a SIS and to an application such as eTIGER. –All changes need to be in by 3pm CST to appear next day. Therefore, this process could take up to a week or more to complete if changes aren’t made in EIS in a timely manner.
Take-Aways eTIGER gets a vast majority of its data from EIS, which is funneled from the Student Information Systems For successful end of year CTE Reporting and Data Review, EIS Administrators and CTE Directors will need to work closely together to fix any remaining issues Correcting information and attesting data in eTIGER can take days to complete.
Early Postsecondary Opportunities TN Attendance Supervisors’ Conference September 10, 2015
The world continues to change and today’s students need much more to be able to succeed.
The reality Tennessee students are struggling after high school.
If we fail to expand the ways in which we educate and prepare our students for postsecondary education and the workforce, their future quality of life will suffer, our communities will lose out on unrealized contributions, and the impact on our various economies will be pronounced.
Importance of Early Postsecondary Opportunities Early postsecondary opportunities allow students to: Earn postsecondary credits in high school. Become familiar with postsecondary learning expectations and requirements. Develop confidence and study skills necessary for success in postsecondary coursework. Make more informed decisions about postsecondary plans and career goals. Decrease the time and cost of completing a certificate or degree. Students who participate in early postsecondary courses are more likely to enroll and persist in college.
Early Postsecondary Opportunities in Tennessee Dual Enrollment Local Dual Credit Statewide Dual Credit Advanced Placement (AP) International Baccalaureate (IB) College level Examination Program (CLEP) Student Industry Certification (SIC) Course Course & Exam Exam
Reporting Processes for Specific Early Postsecondary Opportunities
Importance of Accurately Tracking and Reporting Early Postsecondary Data Districts and the states will be able to distinguish the different types of early postsecondary opportunities available to students, Identify where students have access to these opportunities and where greater access is still needed, and Better understand how these opportunities help to create rigorous and relevant pathways for students.
Overview of Specific Opportunities Dual Enrollment: Postsecondary course, taught by postsecondary faculty or credentialed adjunct faculty. Students are enrolled at the postsecondary institution and earn postsecondary credit upon completion of the course. Statewide Dual Credit: High school course aligned to Tennessee postsecondary standards and challenge exam, developed by Tennessee secondary and postsecondary faculty. Student who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted by all Tennessee public postsecondary. Local Dual Credit: High school course aligned to a local postsecondary institution’s course and exam. Students who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted and/or recognized by the local postsecondary institution.
Dual Enrollment: Reporting Process Dual enrollment courses have been assigned high school course codes in order to help facilitate course scheduling and accurate reporting. Guidance on selecting the appropriate course code is outlined below. General Education Courses: Titles reflect the course titles used at Tennessee postsecondary institutions. If a student is enrolled in a postsecondary course that has not been assigned a unique secondary code, the general dual enrollment code for the content area should be used. CTE Courses: Titles reflect the approved CTE Programs of Study and can count toward a student’s concentrator status. If a student is enrolled in a postsecondary course or program that does not clearly align to a specific Program of Study, the dual enrollment code that has been assigned to the Career Cluster should be used.
Important Points for Dual Enrollment Reporting For reporting purposes, it is important to remember that these are postsecondary courses and high school students are enrolled at the partnering institution. The district determines whether or not to award high school credit and is responsible for entering course information on the student’s high school transcript. The physical location of the class does not affect the dual enrollment course code that is used.
Overview of Specific Opportunities Dual Enrollment: Postsecondary course, taught by postsecondary faculty or credentialed adjunct faculty. Students are enrolled at the postsecondary institution and earn postsecondary credit upon completion of the course. Statewide Dual Credit: High school course aligned to Tennessee postsecondary standards and challenge exam, developed by Tennessee secondary and postsecondary faculty. Student who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted by all Tennessee public postsecondary. Local Dual Credit: High school course aligned to a local postsecondary institution’s course and exam. Students who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted and/or recognized by the local postsecondary institution.
Statewide Dual Credit: Reporting Process The statewide dual credit course must be identified with a “flag” because the course code does not denote the statewide dual credit status. The department provides flagging instructions directly to the pilot coordinator at each pilot site. Pilot coordinators work with their district SIS/EIS Coordinator to ensure that the appropriate course section(s) are flagged as statewide dual credit. When flagging a course section as Statewide Dual Credit, the system requires the user to select from a drop-down menu of postsecondary partner institutions. The option for “statewide dual credit” should be selected for statewide dual credit sections.
Overview of Specific Opportunities Dual Enrollment: Postsecondary course, taught by postsecondary faculty or credentialed adjunct faculty. Students are enrolled at the postsecondary institution and earn postsecondary credit upon completion of the course. Statewide Dual Credit: High school course aligned to Tennessee postsecondary standards and challenge exam, developed by Tennessee secondary and postsecondary faculty. Student who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted by all Tennessee public postsecondary. Local Dual Credit: High school course aligned to a local postsecondary institution’s course and exam. Students who pass the exam earn credits that are accepted and/or recognized by the local postsecondary institution.
Local Dual Credit: Reporting Process Local dual credit courses are reported using an existing high school course code, and must be identified with a separate “flag” in order to denote the local dual credit status. The school/district is responsible for identifying and flagging local dual credit courses. When flagging a course section as Local Dual Credit, the system requires the user to select from a drop-down menu of postsecondary partner institutions. The postsecondary institution where the student has the opportunity to earn credit should be selected from the list of options.
Contact Information Patrice Watson Director of Early Postsecondary (615) Bobby Sanborn Executive Director, Divisional Support & Accountability (615)