CSNAV Milestone Saved Careers
Have students log in to their CSNav Account at: csnav.org. From the Home page click on “View Your Planning Milestones”.
Then have them locate “Saved Careers in Your Portfolio” and click on the link to “Explore Careers”.
There are three primary ways to explore careers: Browse Career Clusters-these are broad areas that may include several related careers Search careers by alphabet or name Use Career Exploration Tools; Career Finder, Compare Careers, Career Builder The student also may view a career video or search for military careers.
When a student searches a career by alphabet, they will receive a list that shows the education level, national average annual earning level, national employment outlook and career cluster for that career.
After Clicking on a career, the student can further investigate various aspects and details of the career by clicking on the tabs on the left side of the page. At this time the career should be added to their portfolio by clicking the link on the left side of the page.
To check for completion of the Saved Careers Milestone, the student should click the home icon at the top of the page. Then click “View Your Planning Milestones”. They will see numbers based on how many careers they saved din the portfolio.