EXCHANGE INFORMATION A: What’s a resistor for? B: A resistor is when you’ve got a current that needs to be reduced you use a resistor. A: How do you mean, excuse me, how do you mean, uh, reduced? B: Well, if you’ve got an electric current, it’s running along through your circuit board… A: Yes … B: … and it’s too powerful, if you put the resistor there … A: Mmm… B: … going by the different values of it you can reduce it by different amounts. A: Mmm…
Sit beautifully. Fold your arms everyone please. Now be patient and button up those lips, tightly. Sit on your bottom T ________, sit on your bottom. I didn’t say move I said sit still, cross your legs, fold your arms and button up your lips, thank you. EXCHANGE INFORMATION
INTERPERSONAL MEANING Daughter: Mummy, Boof keeps scaring me. Keeps getting into my bed, and kind of like he’s going to bite me. Mother: He won’t bite you, darling. Daughter: Well, I’m still afraid of him ’cause he’s bitten me. Mother: Just push him off. Daughter: I’m trying really hard but he doesn’t go off. Mother: Boof, you stay away from Jana. Daughter: I’m scared because I’ve had an experience where Boof has bit me.
Expressing judgment and attitudes … I think, um, the ferries go on till quite late, eleven thirty or something – and there must be some buses operating at um, in, the other end, for all the people coming off the ferry. I think what they probably do is just have, um, the one bus, not all the, y’know, not all the numbers.
Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning and without the verbs in italics. 1. You mustn’t drive if you have drunk too much alcohol. 2. You shouldn’t sunbathe for so long. It can damage your health. 3. British people needn’t vote in general elections if they don’t have to. 4. Soldiers don’t have to wear uniforms when they are off duty. 5. You mustn’t worry about me. I’ve travelled on my own before.