Open Days-European Week of Regions and Cities Implementing jobs and skills strategies in Budapest Luca Koltai, innovation executive Equal Opportunity Office of the Municipality of Budapest
Population ofBudapest Population of Budapest Population: 1,7 million 144 religion, Over person belongs to minorities, disabled Average age: 41 (growing) Unemployment rate (2006- region) 3,1% (55% woman) Employment rate 62,7%
Setting the context sectoral dividedness autonomy of sectors (social, employment, education) lack of cooperation territorial dividedness 23 districts-24 local authorities Budapest Authority national level NGOs Coordination was necessary! Budapest Authority took on extra tasks
Principals promoting employability and admission to labour market harmonisation of social and employment policy building partnerships
OveralGoals Overal Goals market orientated employment strategy equal chance of admittance to social services composition of joint objectives cooperation of social services promoting equal opportunity prevention of social exclusion information and publicity
Philosophy Actions should focus on vulnerable groups women minorities disabled persons long term unemployed homeless persons orphan youth people over the age of 40 (40+ program, 2001) coordination and cooperation Capital authorities Districts authorities NGOs
Link to business – Inclusive Budapest 1. Budapest as an employer/owner of organisations employees in these organisations, 40+ Ethical Code Equal Opportunity Plan of the employers Yearly report to the General Assembly 2. Budapest as a City - Strategic development Inclusive Budapest project Budapest survey on equal opportunities at work Development of strategies/methods aimed at equal opportunities at work 3. Budapest as partner of businesses Budapest Human Resources Forum Establishment of the Inclusive workplace -prize
Thank you for your attention! Luca Koltai, innovation executive tel: +36 (1)