Open Days 2007 – 10 Oct. Territorial Impacts of EU Sector Policies Dr Kai Böhme Origin of Territorial Impact Assesssments (TIA) TIA experience and results by ESPON TIA application at local level Conclusion
Origin of TIA ESDP – starts European debate Roots e.g. Austria – Raumverträglichkeitsprüfung, Germany- Raumordnungsverfahren, Finland - part of Environmental assessment National experiences focus on territorial effects of projects ESDP – no definition ESDP action programme - UK: tool for assessing the impact of spatial development against spatial development objectives ESPON - assessment criteria, strategies interrelationship, mechanisms to appraise the positive and negative externalities Rotterdam 2004, Luxembourg The territorial state and perspectives of the European Union, Leipzig 2007 Territorial Agenda
ESPON TIA approaches Based on ESDP thinking EU policy assessed: Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Fishery, Structural Funds, Pre Accession Aid, Research & Development and Transport Ex-post, ex-ante and comprehensive model Key questions: Against which policy objective? Methodology to make objectives measurable? Data collection? Results?
CAP (Univ. of Aberdeen) Elements P 1 market price support P 2 Rural development policy Small scale actions LEADER Reference balanced competitiveness social and economic cohesion assumption diminishing role of agriculture leads to competitiveness Results P 1 richer regions in the core P 2 more or less neutral LEADER most effective for rural development
SF (Nordregio, Stockholm & IRS, Erkner) Elements Structural Funds, Pre-accession Aid Reference territorial cohesion polycentricity (morphology, links, functions, cooperation) 3 level approach Results Regional cross-border situations Urban areas outside the core Leverage effects
TEN (Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel) Elements TEN & TINA motorways, HS rail network, secondary transport networks, ICT networks Reference Change in accessibility GDP per capita 13 scenarios Results Cohesion in relative but not in absolute terms European polycentricity in the East Increasing road transport East & rural areas
Towards an TIA methodology Generalizing efforts: Minimum criteria for TIA scoping analyzing concluding TEQUILA: econometric multi-criteria impact model Contribution to the discussion on the cost of non-coordination of sector policies Interaction between different policies needs to better investigated – general methodology? TIA Ex-ante assessment of particular interest in policy debate Results found way into policy process (Territorial State and Perspectives of the EU and indirectly in the Territorial Agenda) ESPON 2006 only first step
TIA for local plans & policies Effects of a local master plan (municipality of Gothenburg, Sweden) Adaptation of ESPON approaches (TEQUILA) Focus on Housing market Market for office premises Labour market Economic structure Regional growht & development Results expected by end of 2007
Conclusion TIA can contribute to European policies TIA can be used at local and regional level More discussion is needed on methodologies how to integrate it in decision making TIA is supposed to inform policy making.
Thank you very much for your attention! Dr Kai Böhme