EPR Gateway to a Circular Economy Forum
Contents 1.Waste Problems becoming National Issue 2.Sharing responsibilities 3.Waste Policies 4.Development of EPR systems in Korea 5.Agenda for the Future
Before 1990 No Policies for Waste - People dump waste as generated - Local Government in charge of cleaning service No management Collect and dump open dumping uncontrolled transfer station no sanitary landfill
in 1990s Waste Problems becoming National Issue - Explosion of waste volume - Shortage of landfill sites - Nation wide NIMBY syndrome - Soaring the waste treatment cost
Explosion of waste Open dumping- Severe contamination
Nation wide NIMBY syndrome No Landfill in my neighborhood!!
No Incinerator in front of my house!!
-Paradigm shift ⇒ Waste should be managed ⇒ Waste activities should be controlled generation, discharging, collection, disposal -Waste policies aiming at waste minimization Expanding service Securing Capacity of Las Landfill sites, manpower Equipment, budget Demand control Waste reduction Regulate waste generation Promoting Recycling
Sharing Responsibility by establishing Polluters Pay Principle Generators Segregate waste pay the treatment cost Introducing the volume based waste fees Producers collect + recycle post consumption Consumers pay the recycling cost ( price) Introducing Extended Producer Responsibility
Reuse FW SBUS Pub Bus G HW HH RW Collector Compost LA Collector Inc LF ReMfg. Recycle Recover Reuse Reduce Recovery Recovery Reuse Recycle Inc LF Seller Safety Source Waste CollectionTreatment Waste Policies in Korea
Developing EPR in Korea 1. Deposit and refund (1992) Producers pay the recycling cost in advance Refunded as actually recycled - Producers: Fillers, manufacturers, importers - Items packages: glass, cans, paper, PET, Styrofoam, plastic durables: lubricant oil, Tires, Batteries, Flourescent lamps Electronics ( TV, Refrigerator, Washer, Air conditioners ) 2. EPR (2003) - Obligated recycling penalty for non-compliance of obligated recycling rate - Allow entrust or joint comply of recycling duties
- PROs in Korea Private(establishing)+public(regulation) Monopoly by items Packaging: 6 pros merged into 1(2014) Korea recycling service agency 3. Separating electronics (2007) - Eco-assurance system - Electronics + Automobile - Electronics: 10 → 27 → expanded to all e-goods recycling rate → per capita target (3.9kg 2014, ) - Additional duties to recycling duties restricted use of hazardous substances design change for easy recycling disclosure of manufacturing information - Free collection of e-waste (sellers/mfgs)
VBWF Disaggergated discharge EPR Recycling Business Local G KECO Central G NGOs incentivemonitor campaign coll cost down collect+transp control assistance monitor create demand/subsi dy Producers assistance Promoting Recycling
Waste Management System contracts contracts recyclables nonrecyclables recyclables hazardous waste Household Reprocessors Private recyclers Local G Disposers Producers (PRO) incinerators landfill Industry Disposers incinerators landfill KEI 자원순환연구실 자원순환 세미나 14
Financing EPR Item Waste charge NVA Waste charge VA Private collector producers Garbage Recyclers Landfill incinerator Pros Discharger collector LAs 정부 Membership fee Landfill tax Disposal fee Subsidy Collection fee Waste fee Disposal fee G Waste charge Subsidy Disposal fee Landfill tax KEI 자원순환연구실 자원순환 세미나 15
Agenda for the Future Development toward a Circular Economy ⇒ Coping changing civilization - Emergence of new civilization based on interest consumption by need → for enjoyment star-emulation → all goods become fashion goods Individualization → meconomy - Power shift: Gov’t → Enterprise → Sustained production + consumption - Older society: digital immortality → New kinds of waste - New Connectivity: super digital organisms → Changed policy environment