Act globally, think locally Tobacco control in the Pacific Matthew Allen Allen & Clarke, New Zealand
Tobacco control in the Pacific The FCTC and the ‘power of the process’ The FCTC and the ‘power of the process’ The role of the FCTC in sparking tobacco control efforts in the Pacific The role of the FCTC in sparking tobacco control efforts in the Pacific Opportunities for, and threats to, regional tobacco control Opportunities for, and threats to, regional tobacco control Future directions for tobacco control in the Pacific Future directions for tobacco control in the Pacific
What is a Framework Convention? An international treaty An international treaty Can be enabling: sets goals and objectives Can be enabling: sets goals and objectives Can have detailed provisions too Can have detailed provisions too Protocols can be developed to set specific details of implementation Protocols can be developed to set specific details of implementation Just as important: The Power of the Process …… Just as important: The Power of the Process ……
The process … 1996 WHA agrees to develop the FCTC 1996 WHA agrees to develop the FCTC Meetings, consultations Meetings, consultations Regional groupings develop Regional groupings develop Domestic initiatives are sparked Domestic initiatives are sparked Support builds Support builds An International Alliance of NGOs is born An International Alliance of NGOs is born
The FCTC: breadth of requirements National policy setting, funding domestic tobacco control National policy setting, funding domestic tobacco control Taxes on tobacco Taxes on tobacco Restriction of duty free sales of tobacco Restriction of duty free sales of tobacco Controls on second hand smoke Controls on second hand smoke Controls over testing, content of tobacco products Controls over testing, content of tobacco products Requirements for tobacco packaging and labelling Requirements for tobacco packaging and labelling Health promotion, education, public awareness Health promotion, education, public awareness Advertising, promotion & sponsorship ban Advertising, promotion & sponsorship ban Support for quitting tobacco use Support for quitting tobacco use Controls over illicit trade Controls over illicit trade Sales to minors Sales to minors Guidelines on technical matters Guidelines on technical matters Collaboration on research Collaboration on research
The Pacific …. Slide from: Dr. Annette M. David, Health Partners, LLC, Guam
And New Zealand: from 2008
Threats to Pacific tobacco control 1.Capacity and leadership issues 2. Domestic resource restraints 3.Potential for duplication and fragmentation of effort 4.Increasing tobacco industry presence
Threats to Pacific tobacco control 5. Some continued acceptance of tobacco 6.Lack of domestic evidence base 7.Smuggling of tobacco 8.Economic and trade liberalisation (eg: PICTA)
PICTA report Conclusion: “Don’t include Tobacco & alcohol” However, if a decision is made to include, it is crucial that countries implement tax and other policies to ensure minimise effects.
What makes for effective tobacco control in the Pacific? 1. Local ownership and drive 2. Build on existing activities 3. Identify a champion 4. Consider local context 5. Build both domestic government – and non-government capacity and partnerships
What makes for effective tobacco control in the Pacific? (cont.) 6. External support 7. Promote regionalisation 8. Ensure / promote Sustainability! 9. Monitor and Evaluate on an ongoing basis
The Way Forward Regionalisation and mutual support Regionalisation and mutual support Further development assistance Further development assistance Sustainable funding mechanisms Sustainable funding mechanisms A Tobacco Free Pacific Challenge A Tobacco Free Pacific Challenge
First steps to a Tobacco-free Region …. Country self-identifies … Consultation with entire country Design comprehensive intervention Community mobilisation Health promotion & education Extensive dependency treatment Progressively more restrictive legislation Increased taxes over time Total ban phased on import & sale phased in Strict enforcement regime Ongoing monitoring & evaluation