Identified Particle Ratios at large p T in Au+Au collisions at  s NN = 200 GeV Matthew A. C. Lamont for the STAR Collaboration - Talk Outline - Physics.


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Presentation transcript:

Identified Particle Ratios at large p T in Au+Au collisions at  s NN = 200 GeV Matthew A. C. Lamont for the STAR Collaboration - Talk Outline - Physics Motivation Current Models Identified Particle Spectra B/B and B/M ratios Strange Particle Correlations

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20042 Motivation : Particle production vs p T pTpT pQCD Hydro 2-3 GeV/c6-7 GeV/c ? Soft Fragmentation and quenching of jets 0 What do we think we know ? p T independence of p/p ratio. p/  ratio increases with p T to ~ 1 at p T ~ 3-4 GeV/c in central collisions. Suppression factors of p,  different to that of , K 0 s in the intermediate p T region. What has the data already shown us at intermediate p T ? What are the mechanism(s) at intermediate p T ?

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20043 Current theoretical models Soft + Quench Model –Two component model, soft production (hydro) at low p T, quenching of pQCD jets via gluon radiation at higher p T. Baryon junctions incorporated to explain large baryon yield at intermediate p T. Recombination –Model assumes the recombination of two and three low p T partons to form hadrons from an exponential parton p T spectrum. High p T spectrum described by fragmentation once parton p T spectrum can be described by a power law. Requires a high phase space density of partons for method to work. Coalescence –Same as the recombination picture with the added assumption that thermal ‘QGP’ partons can coalesce with co-moving ‘pQCD’ partons from a mini-jet. M. Gyulassy et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 2537 R. J. Fries et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) V. Greco et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003)

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20044 Identified particle spectra : p, p, K -,+,  -,+, K 0 s and 

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20045 B/B ratios vs Transverse Momentum (p T ) Soft+Quench (130 GeV) : Nucl. Phys. A (2003) Recombination (200 GeV) : Phys. Rev. C (2003) Note the different trend in the p/p ratio from that reported in Nantes. Experimental effects have been better modelled (mainly space charge distortions). This pQCD calculation fails : uncertainties in PDFs and fragmentation functions ? Both the ‘Soft+Quench’ and recombination model predictions are consistent with the data.

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20046 Hydro: Phys. Rev. C67, (2003) S+Q: 200 GeV data - private communication S+Q: 130 GeV data - Phys. Rev. C65, p/   ratios, data and theory Note that p data is not corrected for feed-down from weak decays  p/  ratio will decrease. Reco : Phys. Rev. C (2003) Coal : Phys. Rev. C (2003) S+Q : magnitude  low p T  Hydro : magnitude  low p T  Reco : magnitude   low p T  Coal : magnitude  low p T 

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20047  /K 0 s ratios vs collision centrality  /K 0 s ratio increases with increasing centrality –peaks in the intermediate p T region. –turns over and appears to tend to the same value for all centralities for p T ~ 5-6 GeV/c. –Therefore p T range of baryon excess is limited to < 5-6 GeV/c. –Not yet down to level in pp data  not corrected for feed-down from weak decays - estimated to be a 10% effect and ~ independent of p T. For p+p data, refer to poster by M. Heinz and J. Adams

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20048  /K 0 s - comparison with models S+Q : 200 GeV data - private communication S+Q : 130 GeV data - Phys. Rev. C65, Reco : Phys. Rev. C (2003) Coal : Phys. Rev. C (2003) Reco : magnitude  turnover  low p T  Coal : magnitude  turnover  low p T  S+Q : magnitude  turnover  centrality  Require centrality dependent prediction from Recombination and Coalescence models.

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM20049 Another view of the same effect? …. R cp Suppression of mesons different to baryons - not mass dependent effect. R cp of baryons and mesons separate at p T ~ 2 GeV/c and come together at p T ~ 5-6 GeV/c. See poster by P. Sorensen

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Q) Can we measure particle correlations with identified particles ? A) Yes - though measurements are limited by statistics. ∆  (radians) dashed line is random background 1/N Trigger dN/d () Identified Particle Correlations We have seen previously the disappearance of back-to-back jet correlations in central Au+Au, with charged particles. 1/N Trigger dN/d () Same Side Back side ∆  (radians) See poster by Y. Guo (trigger p T > 2.5 GeV/, associated p T > 2.5 GeV/c & less than trigger p T ) Back to back jet disappearance for charged trigger particles (Phys. Rev. Lett (2003)) Measuring correlations with identified particles could give us insight on possible different production mechanisms for baryons and mesons. Correlation appears stronger for  compared to , though in both cases, there is an absence of a ‘back-to-back’ partner correlation. trig: , assoc : charged hadron

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Back side dash lines indicate estimated flow contribution Trigger P T Quantifying the Correlation Strength Correlation difference defined as : N same - N back See poster by Y. Guo Trigger P T Same side Trigger P T N same - N back trig: , assoc : charged hadron Suppression of  as a function of p T is slightly different from the , K 0 s and primaries. Under investigation whether this is an experimental effect or whether there is indeed sensitivity to quenching or production mechanism effects N same - N back Trigger P T trig: , assoc : charged hadron trig and assoc : charged hadron trig: K 0 s, assoc : charged hadron

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Summary B/B ratios are independent of p T. –pQCD calculation fails : uncertainties in PDFs and fragmentation functions ? p/   ratio increases with p T up to 3 GeV/c.  /K 0 s ratio increases smoothly with centrality, turns over at p T ~ 3 GeV/c. –baryon excess over mesons is limited in p T to < 5-6 GeV/c. –A+A value still above p+p value. The R cp measurement exhibits differences between baryons and mesons - not just a mass effect. Strange correlations hint at a flavour dependence. –correlations with  triggers possibly enhanced over those with  and K 0 s triggers.

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Backup Slides

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM STAR pp vs UA1 pp Ratio very different in two systems Different production mechanisms or just differences in experiments ? STARUA1 Ratio Plotted  /K 0 s  +  /2K 0 s Colliding System p+p Energy 200 GeV630 GeV Coverage |y| < 1 |  | < 2.5

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM STAR RICH Geometry |  |<0.3 and   ~235cm 1)Charged particle through radiator 2)MIP and photons detection

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Integral method and Fitting Cherenkov angle distribution in momentum bins pions kaons protons

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Comparison of Spectra with PHENIX

13/01/04Matthew A. C. Lamont - QM Current theoretical models Coalescence –Same as the recombination picture with the added assumption that thermal ‘QGP’ partons can coalesce with co-moving ‘pQCD’ partons from a mini-jet. M. Gyulassy et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 2537R. J. Fries et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) V. Greco et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) Recombination –Recombination of two and three low p T partons form hadrons from an exponential parton p T spectrum. High p T spectrum described by fragmentation due to power-law parton p T spectrum. Requires a high phase space density of partons for method to work. Soft + Quench Model –Two component model, soft production (hydro) at low p T, quenching of pQCD jets via gluon radiation at higher p T. Baryon junctions incorporated to explain large baryon yield at intermediate p T.