“ Take off your shoes for you are standing on holy ground” Ex 3:5 Formation ministry is indeed holy ground. THE FORMATORS AND THE FORMEES ARE TO GO BAREFOOT BEFORE GOD for this is a place of transformative encounter with God. Going barefooted means we are open and available for God’s action in us. This is the starting point of formation. In this process God is accompanying both the formator and the formee as “a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night”.Ex.13/21 T The formator directs and guides the formee through the desert to the promised land.
Formation is a process - Enables religious to become humanly integrated and truly authentic. - Intellectually alert and well informed - Spiritually mature, doctrinally sound, supports the formee to be a woman of prayer - Socially capable of dealing with all actions of people - Skills essential to fulfill the mission of Christ. Facilitates the formee to grow into the knowledge of God and intimacy with Christ to make whole hearted commitment.
Directed towards the transformation of the individual. To enable the sister to live her own consecration to God in all its fullness. It is in keeping with the charism and mission of the congregation Purpose – to live a life in conformity to the Lord Jesus in his total self-giving and His fidelity to the Father. ‘He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before Him in love.’ Eph 1:4 FORMATION
FOCUS Being conscious of God’s call the formees are enabled to discover God deep within and His plan for them which is in tune with the spirit of our charism and His mission. A well organised and systematic programme of formation aims at the gradual transformation of the formees. Formees to be discerning, committed, loving, creative and authentic witness for the Kingdom of God as mystics, prophets and servants.
FORMATION Life witness and challenging ministries are the most effective means for promoting vocations Revitalise our methods of vocation promotion through the use of modern techniques. Invite SCB Associates to pray for vocations and involve them in vocation promotion programmes Deepen the faith of the formees by regular catechism, study of the Word of God and spiritual exercises. Proper motivation is to be given to the formees and their families enabling them to accompany and support their daughters throughout their life.
Love for the congregation and the missionary spirit in the formees is fostered by the way they are made to feel wanted and accepted in the congregation. Imbued with this spirit, they face the challenges of today with mental, spiritual and emotional strength. Lead our formees systematically into silence, solitude and contemplation. Develop an attitude of faithfulness, austerity, self- surrender and dignity of labour in the formees. Formation of right conscience and need for honest upright living to be emphasized in all stages of formation.
Every sister lives at least for a year in a missionary community during the juniorate. Emphasize the use of soft skills like gentleness, courtesy and feminine qualities in our communities and in our dealings with others. Regular programmes are organized for accompanying the finally professed sisters for ten years. Formators are to be human- spiritual persons and living examples of the charism. Prepare more formators and update the present formators.
OBJECTIVES To be formed as authentic and committed persons To give mission oriented formation To reorient and adapt our formation according to the changing needs of the time
ACTIVITIES INITIAL Motivating the candidates and their family before entering into candidacy. Creating a thirst for prayer and initiating contemplative prayer at different stages of formation Promoting integral growth with love and understanding. ONGOING Accompanying the formees during the period of juniorate Having renewal courses once in 10 years for all and individual sisters as per need Having a closer follow up of the finally professed sisters for the first 10 years Training and equipping formation personnel. Considering meaningful break periods at all levels. Giving ample opportunities for young sisters to launch into frontline ministries. Preparing the sisters few years before their retirement for secondary mission through renewal courses.