“Unpacking” What does it mean to “Unpack”? How can we successfully “Unpack” our new curriculum?
Where are you with… Online modules (Unpacking the Standards) Getting your standards downloaded (access)
Session One Review Between Session Activity(-ies) Discussion Implementing IT standards in math Suggestions from our Activity Google Doc Link Google Doc Link IT Standards ESL Standards
How will you use Technology?
Who is in?
Unpacking Timeline Session 1 IT Standards ESL Standards Top 10 Lists Session 2 How to Read Standards Unpacking ½ of the subject area My role as a teacher leader Session 3 Reflecting on Unpacking Unpacking the remainder of my subject area Sharing Information with my school Session 4 Pacing the new curriculum Identifying connections to your CIA Plans
Goals For Today Locate your standards and support tools Understand how to read the new standards in various subject areas Understand the connection between ELA standards and all content areas Begin the process of unpacking your subject area Establish an online question/feedback resource Clearly identify next steps for the between session activity(-ies)
Locating New Standards Rubicon Atlas (Reference Tab) (links to NC DPI) : NC Department of Public Instruction (always most up-to-date) Essential Standards: Common Core Standards: Extended Content Standards: DPI Wiki Smarter Balance Assessment Development
Essential Standards Support Tools
Common Core Support Tools
Standards, Curriculum, & Instruction Come from NC DPI Include Common Core, Essential Standards, Objectives, Assessment Prototypes Standards Comes from the District/Teacher Leadership Calendar/Timeline, Expectations, Benchmarks, Recommended Resources Curriculum Comes from Teacher Design Outcomes, Lesson Timeline, Experiences, Assessment for Learning Instruction
Understanding the Standards: Breaking the Code(s) ELA Standards Math Standards Science Standards SS Standards Healthful Living Standards Arts Standards World Languages Standards A common naming format for all areas.
Reading the Standards Common Format Grade Level/Course. Strand. Standard. Clarifying Objective Understanding the Strand in the naming Example: Social Studies 3.H.1.1 Third Grade. History. Standard 1. Clarifying Objective 1 Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and regions over time. Science Bio Biology. Structures and Functions (1). Standard 2. Clarifying Objective 3 Explain how specific cell adaptations help cells survive in particular environments (focus on unicellular organisms).
Reading the Standards Common Format (continued) Grade Level/Course. Strand. Standard. Clarifying Objective Understanding the Strand in the naming Example: Math: 7.G.3 Seventh Grade. Geometry. Standard 3 (no clarifying objective) Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids. ELA: (a little bit different) Strand. Grade. Standard SL.2.1.c Speaking & Listening. Second Grade. Standard 1c (Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners…c. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed…)
Comprehensive ELA
ELA and Informational Text
ELA Connection Common Core for ELA Contains Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6–12 Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6–12 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6–12
Carry On Items: Keeping the most necessary items in hand What stands out to you about the introduction to the Math Common Core Standards? It can be tempting to skip the introductions, but there is good information in the introductions to the Common Core and Unpacking Documents.
Moving In: Unpacking the Math Standards Common Core Standards for Math Practices Common Core Standards for Math Content
Standards for Mathematical Practices: What do these mean to you? 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools significantly. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Math Unpacking: Grain Size From 4,000 feet (Strands) From 400 feet (Clusters) From 40 feet (Standards) From 4 feet (Unpacked Content)
Math Unpacking: Toward Focus and Coherence Suggested Process for Unpacking Grade Level: Critical Areas & Course Overview In the Common Core Shares the Strands and Clusters in a one-page format Common Core Standards Elementary and Middle: Use Common Core document High School: Shift in Thinking about Courses (Math 1, Math 2…) Finally: Unpacking Documents
Note: High School Courses High School Common Core Standards Layout Listed by Strands not by Courses Algebra refers to Algebra Standards (9-12) not the course Geometry refers to Geometry Standards (9-12) not the course And so on… Page 57 of Common Core Standards (+ standards)
Math Unpacking Documents: Poll Everywhere Feedback (or use Sticky Notes) Choose an Unpacking Document based on your grade level or area of interest
Self-Study Time Session 2 Focus (Today) Elementary: Geometry (G) & Counting Cardinality (CC)/Number Base Ten (NBT) Middle: Geometry (G) & Number Sense (NS) High: Begin with Math One Between Sessions Focus Elementary: Number- Fractions (NF)/Operations in Algebraic Thinking (OA) Middle: Ratio and Proportionality (RP)/Expressions and Equations (EE) High: Complete Math Two Session 3 (January/February) Focus Elementary: Measurement and Data (MD) Middle: Statistics and Probability (SP)/Functions (F) High: TBD
Math: Quick Reference Elementary/Middle Common Core Naming Conventions/Grades in Math: Counting Cardinality (CC) K Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Number in Base Ten (NBT) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Number: Fractions (NF) 3, 4, 5 Measurement and Data (MD) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Geometry (G) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Ratio and Proportionality (RP) 6, 7 Number Systems (NS) 6, 7, 8 Expressions and Equations (EE) 6, 7, 8 Statistics and Probability (SP) 6, 7, 8 Functions (F) 8
Math: Quick Reference (page 1 of 2) High School Common Core Naming Conventions in Math: Algebra Strand (for High School) Real Number System (N.RN) Quantities (N.Q.) Complex Number System (N.CN) Vector Quantities and Matrices (N.VM) Seeing Structure in Expressions (A.SSE) Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions (A.APR) Creating Equations (A.CED) Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities (R.REI) Functions Strand (for High School) Interpreting Functions (F.IF) Building Functions (F.BF) Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models (F.LE) Trigonometric Functions (F.TF)
Math: Quick Reference (page 2 of 2) High School Common Core Naming Conventions in Math: Geometry Strand (for High School) Congruence (G.CO) Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry (G.SRT) Circles (G.C) Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations (G.GPE) Geometric Measurement and Dimension (G.GMD) Modeling with Geometry (G.MG) Statistics and Probability Strand (for High School) Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data (S.ID) Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions (S.IC) Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability (S.CP) Using Probability to Make Decisions (S.MD)
Moving Forward We are in a year of planning conceptually As we prepare to implement new standards, we will work together to: Learn the standards Answer What will students understand (Enduring Understandings)? What will students know (Essential Concepts)? What will students be able to do (Assessment)? How will student show that they have learned (Assessment)? What processes and strategies will be used to master the learning (Essential Processes)? What materials and resources do I have or will I need?
Between Session Activity(-ies) Before we meet for Session 3 complete the following tasks Continue to read your math standards Read the math standards you will help teach your school Creating EQs, EUs, Big Ideas, etc. that relate to standards Enter your ideas on our Google Doc Meet with your principals (and other unpacking teachers to establish a timeline for rolling out the new standards) Give yourself time to learn
My Role as a Teacher Leader Taking information back to your school staff Develop a plan with your Principal for rolling information out to your staff Talk to other teachers who have been in different Unpacking Sessions Share information during team planning times Continue reading, learning, and asking questions Option: In Rubicon Atlas, Common Core and Essential Standards are already loaded. You may want to link to both sets of standards now.
Session 3 & 4 Session 3: (all Thursdays) (3:45pm – 5:15pm) Richlands Area: January 5 Jacksonville Area: February 2 Southwest Area: February 9 Swansboro/Hunters Creek Area: February 16 **Outside Assignment Session 4: (all Thursdays) (3:45pm – 5:15pm) Richlands Area: February 23 Jacksonville Area: March 1 Southwest Area: March 8 Swansboro/Hunters Creek Area: March 15 **Outside Assignment