1 st May 2009 – 30 th April 2011 Odorhei Region The FRUTRAD project is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Co-operation Programme for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Romania
Where is located the project? - 23 communes - 3 cities integrating totally 127 settlements. The subregion's total population is around 120,000 inhabitants, from which 55% lives in traditional rural areas
Previous research
Objectives Two main goals to be achieved: Safeguarding and adding value to old varieties of fruit trees, promotion of its long term maintenance Increase the profitability of the fruit growing activity by producing high added value products
Development packages Traditional knowledge Development model products, description Marketing, Feasibility studies Local communities Training Professional assistance Advertisement, publicity Experience exchange, networking
Collecting information
- Recipes - Traditional conserving methods - Use possibilities Collecting information
Training of farmers Accredited formal 1-year training 28 farmers - future ‘trainers’ in the communities Vocational trainings for processing the fruits 91 female farmers - future users of the Fruit Processing Unit
Training of farmers
- Marketing possibilities - Market prices - Consumers` behavior - Costs, efficiency - Technological requirements - Supporting financial resources Prospecting the market and developing Business Concept Packages
Professional assistance establishing and running of small agriculture enterprise assistance for processing and marketing the local raw materials identifying and supporting the use of financial resources assistance to enhance the networking activity among farmers Rural Assistance and Development Centre
Community mobilization activities small grants for involvement of third partners` innovative publicity actions community meetings in 35 local communes of Odorhei Region leaflets, brochures, informative materials FRUIT FESTIVAL
Fruit Festival
Participation to fairs
Experience exchange and networking
Establishing a Fruit Processing Manufacture
Local fruit types have been developed and survived until now thanks to the thoughtful labor of our ancestors. It is now up to us to assure that our grandchildren can also enjoy the world of tastes, aromas and flavors that the fruits of these trees can offer! Our natural values – future of our communities