Lord of the Flies Extended Journal Writing Assignment You will be going on a journey unlike any other you have ever been. You have been stranded on a deserted island with your classmates from Advanced English Language Arts. When the plane you were riding in broke apart and crashed, the survivors, all of you, headed in different directions out of panic and fear. Now you have united and found groups to which you will belong for the duration of this journey on THE ISLAND!
Group 1: Headed to the mountains on the north side of the island for safety, and found a cave. They have collected 2 locked and unidentified suitcases.
Group 2: Stayed near the wreckage of the fallen plane in the center of the island, because one of them is injured and cannot be moved at this time. They have access to what is left on the plane and whatever has scattered nearby.
Group 3: All members were scattered alone, and found each other on the beach on the southwest side of the island. They have the ocean and the outskirts of the forest for food and shelter. No articles, goods, or materials from the plane are available, except for their math books.
Group 4: Traveled west toward the small peninsula and a high cliff to view the horizon. There are plenty of fruit trees and shrubs with what looks like edible berries, and a small stream of fresh water. They recovered nothing but a single unidentified backpack from the plane.
Group 5: This group headed to the east side of the island, attracted by the sound of rushing water created by a gigantic freshwater waterfall that spills into a beautiful pool. They dragged 2 suitcases and a cart of airline food from the plane with them.
Group 6: The last group finds themselves lost on the Southern-most point of the island. It is a dense forest with low lying trees. There is an opening to the ocean with a small clearing. They have recovered the pilot’s suitcase and an unmarked black box.
Tasks and Assignments You will be writing 4 journals based on the following topics: 1.Exposition and Background 2.A Nighttime Adventure 3. A Conflict with Nature 4. Reunion All journals will have a prewriting plan that is done as a group and a rough draft form that are to be kept in your writing composition notebook in your reading section. At the end of the novel study, and after the last journal is complete, you will be creating a final journal writing assignment to turn in for a grade. Enjoy this and show me what you’ve got!