Evaluation of Civil Servants Performance is regulated by The Law on Civil Service of the Republic of Lithuania Civil Servants Evaluation Rules approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Evaluation Regular evaluation (during a calendar year) of the civil servants performance. Each year till 20 th of January The performance of the head of the institution, a career civil servant or an acting civil servant, recruited to the position of a career public servant, is evaluated by his line manager, if this person worked as the civil servant in this institution not less than 6 months per calendar year Extraordinary evaluation May be organized not earlier than 6 months after the regular evaluation of a civil servants performance, or if the person worked as the civil servant in this institution not less than 6 months per calendar year CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Whose performance shall be evaluated? The head of the institution The career civil servant The acting civil servant The performance of statutory civil servant and civil servants of political (personal) confidence is not evaluated CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Who shall evaluate? Person, who is admitting the head of the institution, has also to evaluate his performance The goal of performance evaluation of the Head of the Institution - to evaluate the qualification and abilities to fulfill the functions, laid down in his job description, and abilities to implement the institutional strategic(al) objectives Line manager is evaluating the performance of a career civil servant or an acting civil servant The goal of performance evaluation of a career civil servant or an acting civil servant - to evaluate the qualification and abilities to fulfil the functions, laid down in his job description CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Performance evaluation Performance evaluation Civil servant ’ s performance evaluation consists of: Qualification’s evaluation Result’s evaluation CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Qualification’s evaluation criteria Leadership Human Resources Management Program and Project Management Financial Management Analysis and Substantiation Communications and Public Relations Strategic Thinking CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Criteria - Communications and Public Relations Uses communication tools, in order to include related persons into institution‘s activities improvement process Creates and develops the culture of the institution: promotes communication and cooperation between related persons and inside the institution Develops and improves the environment, which ensures close links between policy formulation and implementation Knows how institution should communicate and cooperate Realize the role of civil servant, who is responsible for PR, and communicates with him CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Result’s evaluation At the beginning of each year civil servant and line manager agrees on results, which has to be achieved during a year (3-6 results) Civil servant and line manager also agrees on result ’ s evaluation indicators Civil servant and line manager identifying the level of risk at which the results can ’ t be achieved During the next year ’ s performance evaluation it is compared whether the results have been achieved CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
The procedure of the regular evaluation Qualification questionnaire filling (completed by civil servant and by line manager) Conversation between civil servant and line manager Completing the conclusion of civil servant ’ s evaluation performance (completed by line manager) Civil servant is acquainted with the conclusion and has to sign it CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
The evaluation scale excellent good satisfactory unsatisfactory CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
The evaluation scale CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Good Evaluation commission ExcellentUnsatisfactory If the performance of civil servant evaluation is evaluated as good, such civil servant will be evaluated by evaluation commission only by his written request Evaluation procedure is finished Satisfactory
Formatting the Evaluation commission Evaluation commission is formatted by the head of a state or municipal institution or agency The performance of the head of the institution, the manager of the inside audit service and auditors, members of the evaluation commissions and civil servants of grades must be evaluated by the evaluation commission, which is formatted by the Director of Civil Service Department under the Ministry of the Interior CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Evaluation commission Evaluation commission is formatted for 2 years and consists of not less than 5 civil servants One member of the Commission must be appointed as a Chairman If there is a Trade Union in the institution, one representative from that Union can be a member of the Evaluation Commission A civil servant from the Civil Service Department can take part in the Commission meetings as the member of this Commission CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Evaluation commission The Evaluation Commission must evaluate the performance of civil servant no later than 1 st of March (regular evaluation) The performance of a civil servant, who can ’ t participate in the Evaluation Commission meeting for a serious reasons, may be evaluated by the Evaluation Commission without his participation on his written request The performance of pregnant or breast-feeding civil servants are evaluated by the Evaluation Commission only on their written request CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Proposals of the evaluation commission CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Good Excellent Unsatisfactory There are no proposes to assign qualification class to a civil servant to promote a career civil servant (to transfer to a senior position) to retain the same (highest) qualification class and to give the one-off bonus to transfer a career civil servant to a senior position and to assign qualification class to a civil servant to assign a lower qualification class to a civil servant or to annul the III qualification class to demote a civil servant (to transfer a career civil servant to a lower position) to dismiss a civil servant from the service, if his evaluation is unsatisfactory two times in turn or dismiss an acting civil servant from the service. No changes in status Satisfactory to annul the qualification class to a civil servant and to improve the qualification to improve the qualification of a civil servant to transfer a career civil servant to a lower position and to improve the qualification
Extraordinary evaluation There are doubts about the performance of the head of the institution or career civil servant There is a written request of civil servant to transfer him to a specific senior position There is a motivated proposal of line manager to grant particular qualification class for civil servant There is a written request of a civil servant to transfer him to a specific senior position and line manager ’ s motivated proposal to grant particular qualification class for that civil servant There is a motivated proposal of line manager to dismiss an acting civil servant from the service There is a motivated proposal of line manager to grant III qualification class to an acting civil servant CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR
Differences between extraordinary and regular evaluation CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Differences between an extraordinary and regular evaluation: – there is no appraisal in extraordinary evaluation (excellent, good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory) – the Evaluation Commission makes decision to approve or not to approve a motivated proposal of line manager
The end of the evaluation procedure After evaluation commission meeting, person admitting civil servant to a position: No later than in 5 working days after the evaluation commission meeting, person, admitting civil servant to a position, accepts an order (decree) about implementing the decision proposed by the evaluation commission The implementation of the proposal of evaluation commission is not obligatory for the person, admitting civil servant to a position If the person, admitting civil servant to a position, decides not to implement the proposal of the evaluation commission, the reasons of that decision must be signified in the commission conclusion CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR