Objectives TODAY To discuss organizational, size, and quality issues related to Ag Business To give suggestions for making a successful transition to ISU from high school (including the role of advising) To explain the requirements of the Ag Bus major and areas of emphasis To present typical first-semester, freshmen class schedules in Ag Bus To review related career opportunity information for Ag Bus graduates
Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Jim Fox
It’s only work if you’d rather be doing something else!!
Characteristics of Careers Taken By Ag Business Graduates Challenging Interesting Varied Activities People Oriented Money Focus Rewarding Opportunities for Advancement
Examples of Companies that Recently Hired ISU Ag Bus Graduates Archer Daniels Midland Cargill GROWMARK Farmland Industries Pioneer Hi-Bred International Syngenta Dow AgroSciences Harvest States ConAgra John Deere Case-IH Monsanto Farm Credit Services (& numerous other banks)
Examples of Companies that Recently Hired ISU Ag Bus Graduates Kraft Foods IBP Incorporated West Central Co-op Roche Inc. Ag Chem Equipment Asgrow Gold Harvest Seed Co. Ft. Dodge An. Health General Mills Rolling Hills FS (& other local co-ops) Meredith Publishing U.S. Commodities (& other market advisory co’s.) Northwestern Mutual (& other insurance co’s.) Iowa Pork Producers
Job Information for S06 Ag Business Graduate Placements No. Offers:Avg.2.0 Range1-4 Salaries:Avg.40+ Range25-49 (000) Offer Satisfaction Duties:Very Satisfied52% Satisfied39% Salary:Very Satisfied30% Satisfied61%
Fall Graduates as % of Fall through Summer (Agricultural Business) Typically, of ISU Ag Bus graduates each year, about ¼ to 1/3 graduate in the fall.
Job Possibilities for Ag Bus Majors: Agricultural Salesperson Commodity Merchandiser Ag Loan Officer Crop Production Specialist Agribusiness Manager Farm Manager Food Broker Advertising Agent Public Relations Appraiser Market Analyst Cooperative Extension Agent Accountant Lawyer
Deciding on a Career 1. Learn about the career before graduating a. related internships/part-time jobs b. listen to people talk about their jobs *club meetings *career seminar classes *career day exhibits *personal interviews c. Read brochures, do research, etc.
Deciding on a Career 2. Pursue what you enjoy a. Consider your SR and LR goals b. Always jobs for more good people c. Realize $ can’t buy happiness
% of Positions Taken by Ag Business Graduates (recent 10 yrs)
Factors Influencing Career Opportunities for Ag Business Graduates Supply of and Demand for Ag College Graduates Academic Record Extracurricular Activities Work Experiences Skills/Traits
Fall Ag Business Enrollment
ISU College of Ag Reports High Placement Rate for Graduates More than 90 percent of College of Agriculture graduates end up with either a job or acceptance into graduate school within three months of graduation, and 90 percent are placed within six months, according to College of Agriculture career services department. The market has definitely picked up since Sept. 11, said Mike Gaul, director of career placement for the College of Agriculture. Spring 2004 graduates in particular are having success finding jobs. Gaul said he attributes most of the College of Agriculture graduates’ success to Iowa State’s very strong reputation, students having strong work ethics and communication skills. By Katie Morgan, Daily Correspondent - June 4, 2004
% of Graduating Seniors Reporting a Position Taken in Ag Bus or Gen Bus at Time of Convocation
Objectives TODAY To discuss organizational, size, and quality issues related to Ag Business To give suggestions for making a successful transition to ISU from high school (including the role of advising) To explain the requirements of the Ag Bus major and areas of emphasis To present typical first-semester, freshmen class schedules in Ag Bus To review related career opportunity information for Ag Bus graduates