Promoting Success of Youth Served in Career & Technology Programs: A Community of Practice Solution
A collaboration of: the Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC),the Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC), the Berks County Transition Council (BCTC),the Berks County Transition Council (BCTC), the Berks Career & Technology Center, &the Berks Career & Technology Center, & the 18 Berks County School Districtsthe 18 Berks County School Districts
Berks County Transition Coordinating Council
The Current Committee Structure of BCTCC Business & Industry Interagency Agency Expo Post- Secondary School to Work Executive Tracking Membership/ Public Awareness By Laws Fiscal Management Operational Project based
Agency Expo Plan & implement the biannual Expo for students and families. Business & Industry Plan & implement the biannual Employability Expo for students. By-Laws Write & update governing rules of the council. Executive Elected by BCTCC membership to develop training & resources for BCTCC and to provide leadership and support for committees as they work toward our mission.
Interagency Develop products and practices that promote collaborative transition planning among schools and agencies. Membership & Public Relations Invite representatives of diverse constituencies to actively participate in BCTCC activities (e.g. employers, students, families, agency personnel, educators, etc.) Promote awareness of transition issues and the BCTCC’s work and mission. School to Work Plan and implement the summer work experience and assessment program and other collaborative efforts to prepare students for competitive employment.
Tracking Survey Coordinate implementation of annual post-graduation follow-up survey, analyze and disseminate survey data, facilitate data-based transition planning. Fiscal Management Handles funds which come into the Council; provides assistance to committees applying for grants; recruits administrative entities necessary to implement grants. Post-Secondary Enhance transition activities at the high school level, which in turn will lead to more success at the post-secondary level
Berks County Transition Council Comprised of Transition Coordinators from 18 school districts,Comprised of Transition Coordinators from 18 school districts, Meets bi-monthly as a group,Meets bi-monthly as a group, Exchanges best practice information and ideas,Exchanges best practice information and ideas, Receives training on relevant topics from agencies, community organizations, & professionals.Receives training on relevant topics from agencies, community organizations, & professionals.
Berks Career & Technology Center Two campuses serve 16 of 18 Berks County school districts,Two campuses serve 16 of 18 Berks County school districts, Offers 34 programs of study,Offers 34 programs of study, Two special education facilitators are members of the BCTCC and BCTC and provide connection among the groups.Two special education facilitators are members of the BCTCC and BCTC and provide connection among the groups.
Berks County School Districts An urban, suburban, & rural county located in southeastern Pennsylvania;An urban, suburban, & rural county located in southeastern Pennsylvania; All participate with the BCTCC;All participate with the BCTCC; All utilize one of two Career Tech systemsAll utilize one of two Career Tech systems
How the process works! Tracking two students….. Angelina Brad
Meet the students! Angelina- Grade 12Grade 12 Learning disabledLearning disabled Health Occupations programHealth Occupations program Brad- Grade 12+ Autistic Horticulture program
Angelina Received SAM in 9 th grade;Received SAM assessment in 9 th grade; Applied for and was accepted by BCTC for her 10 th grade year;Applied for and was accepted by BCTC for her 10 th grade year; Attends ½ day at the Career Center for math and health occupations curriculum and ½ day at home school for other academic subjects;Attends ½ day at the Career Center for math and health occupations curriculum and ½ day at home school for other academic subjects; Meets with Transition Coordinator bi-monthly at the Career Center;Meets with Transition Coordinator bi-monthly at the Career Center; Receives support from Special Ed facilitator as needed;Receives support from Special Ed facilitator as needed;
Angelina cont… Attended Employability Expo (11 th );Attended Employability Expo (11 th ); Participates in ACT Now program (12 th );Participates in ACT Now program (12 th ); Self-referred to OVR thru on-line application;Self-referred to OVR thru on-line application; Participates in Transition Fair/Expo (12 th );Participates in Transition Fair/Expo (12 th ); Participates in Post-Secondary Prep seminar;Participates in Post-Secondary Prep seminar; Participates in College Fair at Career Center;Participates in College Fair at Career Center; Works with SD junior high school teacher or counselor in her shop;Works with SD junior high school teacher or counselor in her shop; Attended Transition class thru SD (9 th );Attended Transition class thru SD (9 th ); Conducted her IEP meetings (10-12);Conducted her IEP meetings (10-12);
Angelina cont… Volunteers with Career Center Blood Drive;Volunteers with Career Center Blood Drive; Completing Senior Project at Career Center;Completing Senior Project at Career Center; Doing clinical experience for Certified Nursing Assistant;Doing clinical experience for Certified Nursing Assistant; Applying to RACC’s LPN program, with possible funding through OVR;Applying to RACC’s LPN program, with possible funding through OVR; Will receive Transition CD upon graduation;Will receive Transition CD upon graduation; Will participate in Tracking Survey one year after graduation.Will participate in Tracking Survey one year after graduation.
Brad Completed SAM assessment (8 th);Completed SAM assessment (8 th); Attended Career Exploration (9 th );Attended Career Exploration (9 th ); Completed Horticulture program (10-12);Completed Horticulture program (10-12); Currently (12+) attends ½ day Transition House and ½ day Co-op placement;Currently (12+) attends ½ day Transition House and ½ day Co-op placement; Meets with Transition Coordinator bi-monthly at TH;Meets with Transition Coordinator bi-monthly at TH; Received support from Special Ed facilitator as needed;Received support from Special Ed facilitator as needed;
Brad cont… Attended Employability Expo (11 th );Attended Employability Expo (11 th ); Participates in ACT Now program (12 + );Participates in ACT Now program (12 + ); Applied to OVR with Transition Coordinator help;Applied to OVR with Transition Coordinator help; Participates in Transition Fair/Expo (12 th );Participates in Transition Fair/Expo (12 th ); Will receive Transition CD upon graduation;Will receive Transition CD upon graduation; Will participate in Tracking Survey one year after graduation;Will participate in Tracking Survey one year after graduation; Attended Transition class thru SD (9 th );Attended Transition class thru SD (9 th ); Conducted his IEP meetings (10-12);Conducted his IEP meetings (10-12);
Brad cont… Will receive vocational assessment at HGA;Will receive vocational assessment at HGA; Has participated in Teens Taking Flight program since age 16;Has participated in Teens Taking Flight program since age 16; Volunteered in Career Center program to enhance landscaping at community park;Volunteered in Career Center program to enhance landscaping at community park; Works with SD teacher or counselor in his shop;Works with SD teacher or counselor in his shop; Participated in job shadowing through SD;Participated in job shadowing through SD; Worked 2 summers with SWEAP (one in SD, one in community).Worked 2 summers with SWEAP (one in SD, one in community).
Connection to Career Center- Opportunities abound- goes beyond traditional career choices;Opportunities abound- goes beyond traditional career choices; Curriculum is challenging: reading levels are 10 th grade & up;Curriculum is challenging: reading levels are 10 th grade & up; Student must be self-motivated and able to work without constant direct supervisionStudent must be self-motivated and able to work without constant direct supervision
What makes this work! Collaboration among all 4 entities- BCTCC, BCTC, Career Center, & School DistrictsCollaboration among all 4 entities- BCTCC, BCTC, Career Center, & School Districts Affords opportunities we would not otherwise have;Affords opportunities we would not otherwise have; Ongoing connections AND communication.Ongoing connections AND communication.