Henry Ford Community College The Role of Educational Institutions in the Creation of Green Jobs
Key Questions What do we bring or what can we contribute? How do we partner effectively? What do we need?
What Do We Bring Or What Can We Contribute? History/track record of career and technical education: History/track record of career and technical education: Construction Technology, Energy Technology, Electronics, Engineering Technology, etc. Construction Technology, Energy Technology, Electronics, Engineering Technology, etc.
What Do We Bring Or What Can We Contribute? Academic skill building: assessment and placement tools, remediation, and contextualized learning in reading and math, tutoring and other educational supports.
What Do We Bring Or What Can We Contribute? College credits Certifications Curriculum Development
What Do We Bring Or What Can We Contribute? Established relationships: governmental agencies, business and industry, community organizations
What Do We Bring Or What Can We Contribute? Infrastructure: Access to full- and part-time faculty, articulation agreements with other colleges, Boards of Trustees, Advisory Boards, facilities and equipment
Why Does This Matter? Capacity building College credits Career pathways Industry certifications Increasing access for lower- skilled workers
Why Does This Matter? Increased funding opportunities Work with governmental rules and regulations Increased leverage in partnership with others
How Do We Partner Effectively? Equal partnership among all stakeholders Early identification of roles and responsibilities: who leads at which stage?
How Do We Partner Effectively? How do we hold each other accountable? Use your expertise but acknowledge the expertise of others
How Do We Partner Effectively? Joint planning on the front end Consensus on the goal
What Do We Need? Change in a Large Institution Where are the green jobs? (Chicken and egg problem) Alternative delivery formats: (nights, weekends and out of the classroom)
What Do We Need? Change in a Large Institution Credit for prior learning Non-credit or Credit: It is all education
What Do We Need? Change in a Large Institution Not Being “in charge” Technical expertise from elsewhere: Veteran faculty may not have the green expertise
What Do We Need? Change in a Large Institution Your rules and our rules: red-tape stranglehold Finances: How do we share a smaller pie? How do we afford this? Public relations: sharing a spotlight