Principal Professional Learning Team August 2012
Welcome The mission of the Parkway School District is to ensure all students are capable, curious and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever- changing world.
Norms for Working Together Listen to understand Mission focused Well-planned agenda Active and respectful participation
Essential Question Mission Accomplished - Parkway 2016 “How do we get from here to there?”
Agenda Welcome Review Norms Professional Learning Communities Evaluation Model Attendance Policy NCLB Waiver
Building Community Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up Find someone you don’t usually work with Share your favorite summer vacation memory OR what you did this summer
Starting a Movement Movement
Focus Question: Question Storm Write 3 – 5 Questions on Post-It Notes With your table sort your questions into categories and label the categories What is the most important question your table would like answered?
Professional Learning and Evaluation Model
Attendance Policy
NCLB Waiver Implements higher academic standards Creates one state system of accountability Allows for flexible Title 1 spending Focuses on school improvement Improves teacher evaluation system
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Principle 1: College and Career Ready Expectations for All Students Principle 2: State Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability and Support Principle 3: Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership
Principle 1: College and Career Readiness Core Academic Standards Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Standards Career Education Standards Updated Standards Health/PE Health/PE World Language World Language Fine Arts Fine Arts Guidance and Counseling Guidance and Counseling Social Studies Social Studies
Assessment Consortiums Smarter Balance Dynamic Learning MAPS (replacing MAP A) ASSETS Technology Readiness * State Funding * State Funding
Prior AYP AMOs - ALL MathematicsEnglish Language Arts Year AMO %83.7% %91.8% %
Flexibility from Ineffectual Identification of Schools
2012 Annual Measurable Objectives Gap Group Reporting as Gap Group for accountability Reporting of student groups for district/school planning Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Set through 2020 Increase by 25% *Complete chart on assessment webpage
AMO for 2012 AMO for 2012 ELA Total 56.2% Gap Group 44.21% Math Total 56.4% Gap Group 44.78%
School Classifications Based on Gap Group scores Reward Focus Priority Support
Schools Receiving Title 1 Funds School Choice Supplemental Educational Services School Improvement Plans Flexibility of funds School Improvement Plan
EOC Testing in Middle School End-of-course scores used for accountability the year test is administered Proficient Algebra I score prior to 9 th grade = must take Algebra II end-of-course Non-proficient Algebra I prior to 9 th grade = must participate in Algebra I or Algebra II in high school Algebra I end-of-course prior to 9 th grade may replace grade-level assessment (timing will be tricky)
Principle 3: Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership
Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation Measure educator against research-based proven practices associated with the improvement of student performance. Use multiple ratings to differentiate levels of performance. Highlights a probationary period of adequate duration to ensure sufficient induction and socialization support for new teachers and leaders. Includes measures of growth in student learning as a significant part of the evaluation of professional practice at all levels.
Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation Provides ongoing, timely, deliberate and meaningful feedback on performance relative to research-based targets. Requires standardized, periodic training for evaluators to ensure reliability and accuracy Utilizes the results and data to inform decisions regarding personnel, employment determinations and policy regarding employment
Next Steps Committee to evaluate alignment and make recommendation Participate in state level evaluation of state model Finalize plan this coming winter
Connection to MSIP Cycle 5 August 1st (today): MSIP 4 th Cycle APR (SECURE) August 8th: Re-publish refreshed MSIP 4 th Cycle APR August 14 th : Final MSIP 4 th Cycle APR Public October 1 st (tentative): MSIP Cycle 5 Draft December 3 rd : Draft MSIP Cycle 5 publicly posted
Highlights of MSIP Cycle 5 Academic Achievement Subgroup Achievement College and Career Readiness Attendance Rate Graduation Rate
Academic Achievement Multiple Measures Status – 3 Year Progress – Gap Group Reduction Growth Model Goal: Cut Gap Group in Half by 2020
College and Career Ready Percentage of students at or above state standard on ACT, SAT, ASVAB, COMPASS District’s average composite on above assessments Percent of graduates who participate Percentage of students who earned qualifying score on AP, IB, Technical Skills Assessment and/or receive college credit Percentage of students who attend post secondary or military within 6 months Percentage of students who complete career education programs within 6 months All require to meet or exceed standard or demonstrates required growth
Graduate File Unduplicated Count Highest Score No Full-Academic Year Status Progress
Attendance Individual Student Attendance Rate 90% personal attendance to get points in formula 3 year rolling average Progress - % increase
Graduation Rate Five Year Adjusted Cohort Rate for accountability Status Progress Four Year Adjusted Cohort for reporting
Accreditation Levels Accredited with Distinction: 90 – 100% Estimated 109 districts (20.9%) Accredited : 70 – 89% Estimated 355 districts (68.1%) Provisional: 50 – 69% Estimated 50 districts (9.6%) Unaccredited: 0 -49% Estimated 7 districts (1.4%)
Want more? Let Nathan and me know… we will offer some sessions! I know you can’t wait!
Next Steps Review of Data Public Relations