- 0 - Slides.pptConfidential (not to be distributed outside PlaNet Finance) Entreprendre en Banlieue October 2006 October 2007 Confidential (not to be distributed outside PlaNet Finance)
- 1 - Slides.pptConfidential (not to be distributed outside PlaNet Finance) PLANET FINANCE IN FRANCE: ENTREPRENDRE EN BANLIEUE AND FINANCITÉS Header Network of associations dedicated to coaching and mentoring of micro-entrepreneurs Pro-active identification of micro-entrepreneurs Pre-creation support (fill the skills gap, training) Support during creation (administrative...) Post-creation support (business advices...) Located in France's most deprived urban area Offices in the banlieues managed by successful entrepreneurs from the communities Partnership with other actors PlaNet Finance: funding (National, EU) Local public actors: funding Social networks, associations: spread the word ADIE, FIR, IMF: finance micro-entrepreneurs Financité: high potential projects Header Social venture capital fund offering equity finance to high potential enterprises from the banlieues Equity or quasi-equity participation up to xx No majority stake Referral partnerships with IMFs and associations ADIE France Initiative France Active Boutiques de gestion Entreprendre en Banlieue FinanCités Since 12/06, 5 ADAMs created, 400 entrepreneurs coached and 47 enterprises created Objective by end 2008: 10 ADAMs, 2000 entrepreneurs coached per year, 75% out of poverty and 300 enterprises
- 2 - Slides.pptConfidential (not to be distributed outside PlaNet Finance) PLANET FINANCE AND OTHER ACTORS IN FRANCE Credit analyze Disbursement Repayment management Within the communities Proactive: media, forum... Identification of people Bridge the skill gap Identify individual opportunity Administrative support Definition of a business project Training: IT, accounting management,... Launch support Loan application support Entreprendre en Banlieue Projects to improve People to coach Equity financeStart-up finance Identification of projects with partners Selection of high potential ones Equity and quasi-equity participation Business planning advicesCoaching and mentoring FinanCités Projects ready
- 3 - Slides.pptConfidential (not to be distributed outside PlaNet Finance) Network of local associations (236 affiliated platforms) ADIE Network of business start-up centers On-lending or direct lending All risk for guarantee fund MAPPING OF FRENCH MICRO-LENDING Service to IMFsLoan disbursement Lending process management Support, Consulting Detection of micro- entrepreneurs - Detect potential micro- entrepreneurs Support them in the pre-start- up phase Business plan advices Loan application preparation Research institutes Think tank Commercial banks Public (and private) subsidies, public contracts Public (and private) subsidies for administrative costs Sustainable credit activity Support for loan application Loan analysis Loan recommendation Guarantee funds National AssociationUnemploym ent agency Entreprendre en Banlieue