The World before the Opening of the Atlantic Chap 1: Sec 2 & 3
Bell Ringer Describe 2 of the 3 early American civilizations we discussed yesterday.
Learning Target I can describe how geography influenced Native Americans migration and way of life. I can identify at least one unique characteristic about each Native American civilization (Mound Builders, Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, and Northeast/Southeast Indians).
Unique Characteristics Native American Cultures Read pages 11-14. As you read complete the chart about each Native American Culture. Location & Climate Food Source Shelter Way of Life Unique Characteristics Mound Builders Northwest Southwest Great Plains Northeast & Southeast
Unique Characteristics Native American Cultures Read pages 11-14. As you read complete the chart about each Native American Culture. Location & Climate Food Source Shelter Way of Life Unique Characteristics Mound Builders Eastern US Farmers and traders Grass huts Farming in large communities Built large burial mounds (snakes, birds) Northwest Cold, artic climate in Alaska and Canada Fish and large mammals (bear, deer, elk) Igloos and hide tents Hunters and gatherers followed migration patterns Dogs for hunting, Totem poles to tell of family ancestry, Potlatches – large feasts to promote status
Unique Characteristics Native American Cultures Read pages 11-14. As you read complete the chart about each Native American Culture. Location & Climate Food Source Shelter Way of Life Unique Characteristics Southwest Pacific coast, hot and dry Hunted and gathered, farming (maize, beans, and squash) Built adobes Cliff dwellers 1000s of people Large farming communities, Irrigated land for farming Known for pottery and basket weaving Great Plains Grasslands of American Midwest Hunted and gathered (buffalo, deer, elk) Teepees Used animal skin as clothing and for shelters Matrilineal – traced ancestry through mother Northeast & Southeast Woodlands of eastern US Farmed, fished, hunted and gathered Log houses 8-10 families Smaller farming villages Wampum as $ Iroquois League – alliance of tribes to strengthen groups
Bell Ringer Describe two Native American cultures. Identify at least one of their unique characteristics.
Learning Target I can describe how geography influenced Native Americans migration and way of life. I can identify at least one unique characteristic about each Native American civilization (Mound Builders, Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, and Northeast/Southeast Indians).
Quiz Based on the picture, identify the Native American Culture we discussed.
Key Mound Builders Northwest Southwest Great Plains Northeast & Southeast
Assignment Work in your assigned group. Write a song or write a letter to a pen pal about the Native American tribe you belong to. Be sure to include your food source, way of life, shelter, location, and unique characteristics. Voice level 1 20-25 minutes
Close How did the geography (location and climate) of the Native American cultures influence their way of life? Mound Builders Northwest Southwest Great Plains Northeast & Southeast
Bell Ringer Besides Native Americans what other races/groups influenced early America and how did they get here?
Learning Target I can explain how trade with Europe led to West African influence in early America.
What do you know about African history? As you watch the clip, write 3 things you learned.
West Africa before the US Wealthy Gold Salt Importance of salt? Trade with middle east and Europe
Slavery in West Africa Existed many years among Africans Criminals Captured in battle Raids Pay off debt
Slavery in West Africa As trade with Europe increased, slavery increased Europeans eventually brought slavery to Americas
Slave Trade Documents By John Barbot 1732 Why are Africans sold into slavery? Describe the experience of a slave as they are being sold.
Close What events led to West Africans influence on early America?
Learning Target #1 I can describe how geography influenced Native Americans migration and way of life.
Learning Target #2 I can identify at least one unique characteristic about each Native American civilization (Mound Builders, Northwest, Southwest, Great Plains, and Northeast/Southeast Indians).
Learning Target #3 I can explain how trade with Europe led to West African influence in early America.