CLEAN BUSINESS EXPERIENCE FROM MALOPOLSKA: HELPING SMES IMPROVE THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AS A CONTRIBUTION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Rafal Serafin Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation 6/6 Bracka Street, Krakow, Poland OPEN DAYS European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels, 12 October 2006
Partners: BP Groundwork UK Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation Funding: BP, UK Know How Fund, company contributions EU programmes EU Life Environment Integrated environmental management in Polish SMEs – Environmental Manager EU Life Environment Project- Life04 env/PL/ Czysty Biznes
Clean Business in Malopolska 6 CB Clubs (162) Tarnów (37) Kraków Centrum (33) Kraków-Nowa Huta (15) Gorlice (31) Nowy Sącz (17) Zakopane (29) Korespondencyjny
Advice: environmental reviews environmental policies and action plans customised consultations, problem solving partnership projects (Brightsite, Waste Minimisation, Green Business Parks) How Clean Business Works Information: helpline news line by industrial sector (search & send) environmental news review Training, thematic seminars, workshops, conferences Promotion: National Clean Business Awards European Business for the Environment Award Clean Business Bulletin
How Clean Business Works
SME environmental concerns & business development
Clean Business Achievements
10 Success Factors 1. Business led 2. Exchange of experience between companies 3. Participation in community-based initiatives essential to business success 4. Commitment for the long run 5. Monitoring cost savings and environmental impact 6. Large companies mobilize small companies 7. Continuous improvement based on feeding back achievments 8. Public sector involvement essential for environmental priorities and enforcing compliance. 9. Benefits for companies must translate into increased sales and improved business performance. Benefits for the wider community must always translate into reduced environmental impacts and social benefits, such as jobs and improved infrastructure. 10. Supplement and add value to public-sector environmental improvement and business support programmes