Class Takeaways Formulated “working knowledge” of your topic A way to refine your topic An essay time-line An idea of how to find quality sources
Last Class Brainstormed ideas for paper 3 Find a field/discipline/career to investigate in terms of literacy Broad Question What does it take to be literate (communicate) in a certain field? I want you to view a disciplinary knowledge as a process
What is a discipline? What do you want to do? It will fall into a discipline. Example: I want to do Public Relations = Communication. Programmer = Computer Science. A branch of knowledge. Each discipline has different ways of generating and spreading knowledge. Your job in this paper is to uncover those methods, specially focusing on writings role in that process of creating and spreading knowledge.
How to create knowledge in the discipline of writing. Reading Writing Technology Talking
How to create knowledge in the discipline of writing. Reading Journals s Papers Tweets/Facebook Websites Writing s Papers Proposals Tweets/Facebook Reading Responses Technology Computers Copiers The internet Presentation Talking Group discussion Meetings Conferences Interviewing Presenting
How to create knowledge in the discipline of writing. Writing a Journal Article Conducting Research Analyzing results Check websites for “Calls for Papers” Read descriptions Draft a paper that fits the description Revise. Submit a draft. Revise based on reviewer comments.
So what is happening? Builds information Spoken Word Text Generating Ideas Reading (foundation) Talking/Reviewing
Two Examples.
Brainstorm! At this moment I want you to begin to theorize about your discipline (or pick a discipline). What does it take to become literate & how is knowledge created? Think process. Take minutes and write down some ideas. After share your ideas with someone in the room.
How to find sources. Google Library Databases.
In-Class Blog: Picturing this assignment Make an outline. Start with the end goal and work backwards. Paper Due 11/15 ELI Review 11/03 Two Journals One Book One Interview Spend 15 minutes planning and picturing assignment focusing on research & writing
Sources: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Discussion