Tim Waters Open Historical Maps Putting a map library on the net Geothings & Entropy Free
Emerging Geo Stack
Crowdsourcing ? “I find the term incredibly irritating... Any company that thinks it’s going to build a site by outsourcing all the work to its users not only disrespects the users but completely misunderstands what it should be doing. Your job is to provide a structure for your users to Collaborate, and that takes a lot of work”. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia
Making people happy to put your maps on the interwebs and trace over them for you!
Core Technology – traditional GIS stuff. Georectification Digitization
Entropy Free /
Isothermal chart, or, View of climates & productions / drawn from the accounts of Humboldt & others, by W.C. Woodbridge. 1843
A new systeme of the mathematicks: containing I. Arithmetick,
The English Empire in America.from Atlas minimus, or, A book of geography : shewing all the empires, monarchies, kingdomes, regions, dominions, principalities and countries, in the whole world 1679
Sacrifice Island. from America: being the latest, and most accurate description o f the Nevv vvorld 1671
Um, huh?
DEMO Map: Manhattan A new & accurate plan of the city of New York in the state of New York in North America, published in Layer: Brooklyn Robinson's atlas of the city of Brooklyn, New York : embracing all territory within its corporate limits; from official records... / by and under the supervision of E. Robinson and R.H. Pidgeon, civil engineers. KML: World A new and correct SEA CHART of the WHOLE WORLD from The sea-atlas : containing an hydrographical description of most of the sea-coasts of the known parts of the world KML: Manhattan Redraft of the Castello Plan, New Amsterdam in
Layers: Buildings Districts Points of Interest Transport Network Hydrography
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Geothings & Entropy Free