Designing Organizational Structures Chapter 7 *other resources used
I. Why Organize? Organizing:coordinating and allocating a firm’s resources so that the firm can carry out its plans and achieve its goals (one of the four activities of management) Organizational structure - intended to help the business accomplish its objectives by arranging the work to be done
II. Organizing Fundamentals A. Clear objectives B. Coordination C. Formal and informal organizations 1. Formal 2. Informal a. Friendships & social contact b. Workers feel informed and connected with what’s going on c. aids the socialization of new employees
D. Organization chart E. two types of authority structures 1. Line authority - direct authority over lower positions in the hierarchy advantagesdisadvantages - structural simplicity-neglects advisors - easily grasped authority-decision overload hierarchy-skilled line managers a - quickness of decision necessity making
2. Staff authority - advisory authority advantagesdisadvantages -experts can be used-causes confusion -frees line managers-creates line-staff to make day-to-dayconflicts decisions-places staff in -used to screen andsubservient role train future line managers
F. Deciding the amount of authority to delegate 1. Centralized business Advantages:Disadvantages -uniformity of policies-demands/pressures rules, and procedures on a few managers -helps avoid duplication-reduces sense of of effort involvement -decisions are uniform-large amount of power to a few managers
2. Decentralized business AdvantagesDisadvantages - decision making- coordination is close to action difficult - ind. decision makers- capable managers not take more resp. for their always available actions - helps develop managers- lack of uniformity of for the future policies
III. Guidelines for Organizing A. Division of labor B. Unity of command C. Scalar principle D. Span of control 1. Nature of the task 2. Location of the workers 3. Ability of manager to delegate 4. Amount of interaction and feedback between manager and workers 5. Level of skill and motivation of the workers
E. Departmentalization: grouping jobs together so that similar tasks and activities can be coordinated 1. Functional - based on primary functions 2. Product - based on goods/services produced 3. Process - based on production process 4. Customer - based on the primary type of customer served 5. Geographic - based on geographic segmentation
IV. Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures
V. Reengineering: A. Possible changes 1. Redesign business processes 2. Redesign organizational structure
VI. The Virtual Corporation A. Structure B. Unique characteristics: 1. Take advantage of rapidly changing opp. 2. Helps distant companies form alliances 3. Each business partner brings core competencies to the alliance 4. Increased trust Example = General Life, a virtual life insurance company, reduces fixed costs (80% of traditional company costs) by subcontracting