Project GabE ECE 135 – Spring 2005 Omar Al-Jadda Patrick Crosby Rahmin Sarabi Adam Durity
Spring Break
Progress Report Received parts Received PCBs Built 1 Receiver and 2 Transmitters Began Testing and Debugging Midterm Report!
Gantt Chart
Received Parts Received all parts from DigiKey and Jameco Received an excess of SMA connectors All parts accounted for
Received PCB 3 PCBs arrived on time Immediate problem Ground plane not connected to power connector’s ground Oops! Problem rectified with an alligator clip
Building Soldered a transmitter and receiver pair Short was discovered and unaccounted for Soldered second transmitter
Testing Bypassed the ground problem with alligator clip Discovered that the laser is not lasing Used digital camera to confirm, as well as red Rx LOS light on GBIC Pattern Generator Continued testing and debugging will be required to determine the problem
Midterm Report Draft nearly completed Will be posted to website by 5:00pm tomorrow
Upcoming Week Finish Report Continue Testing and Debugging in order to determine the problem(s) Modify schematics and board design accordingly