17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update1 IMACS: Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph Magellan SAC Status Report 17/18 May 2003 Univ. of Michigan,


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Presentation transcript:

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update1 IMACS: Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph Magellan SAC Status Report 17/18 May 2003 Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update2 IMACS project team: A. DresslerPr. Investigator B. BigelowInstrument Scientist B. Sutin, H. EppsOptical des./eng. B. Bigelow, T. Hare S. Gunnels, G. Luppino, R. Cleary Mechanical des. V. Kowal, R. Storts, J. CastilloMechanical fab. A. Bagish, D. Carr, J. AsaElectronics G. Burley, I. Thompson, J. EstradaDetector systems C. Birk, K. ClardySoftware eng.

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update3

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update4

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update5 Optics Status: Field lens and Collimator optics :done, installed f/4 camera optics:done, installed f/2 camera optics*:done, installed Grisms:200 l/mm*done, installed 300 l/mmready to mount in cell 600 l/mmready to mount in cell Filters:2 sets, CTIO B,V,I,done, installed 2 sets of CTIO Rdone, installed CTIO U (LCAM)awaits ADC coating *new since last report

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update6 Optics Status cont. Imaging Mirrors:Ag mirror installed Al mirror ready to mount Echellette Optics Gratingdone Prism (Zygo)due end of May Durham IFU:due end of May

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update7 Current grating selection:

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update8 Mechanical Engineering Status: Guide camera stages (Hare)done, mounted Calibration lamp system (Hare)done, mounting IP Mask server (Bigelow)done, mounted Field Lens (Hare)done, mounted Shutters (Hare)done, mounted Filter servers (All hands...) done, mounted Disperser server (Hare)done, mounted - 6 Grating cells (Bigelow)done, mounted - 3 Grism cells (Bigelow)1 done, 2 IP - 2 Mirror cells (Bigelow)1 done, 1 IP

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update9 IFU mass dummy and old center field guider

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update10 New center-field guide camera stage

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update11 4 of 6 grating cells

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update12 Grating cell mounted in tilt mechanism, on DSS wheel

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update13 Mechanical Engineering cont. Collimator mech. (Bigelow)done f/4 camera opto-mech. (Bigelow)done f/2 camera opto-mech. (Bigelow)done Dewar (Luppino)done Instrument Structure (Gunnels)done Instrument Carriage (Gunnels)done Instrument Enclosures (Gunnels)done Instrument Utility wrap (Gunnels)done

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update14 “Changing the oil” in the short camera quartet

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update15 Short camera with quartet installed

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update16 Installing the f/2 camera

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update l/mm grism in cell, on DSS wheel

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update18 Science array CCDs installed in dewar

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update19 Dewar integrated with SA controller

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update20 Grism spectra with “Gus’ mask”

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update21 Flexure map, f/2 camera, imaging mode

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update22 Flexure map, f/4 camera, imaging mode

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update23 Electronic Engineering (Baggish): Schematics design (all motion stages)done (4) Motion control (MC) chassis, done (1) Power supply chassis, done (1) Shutter control chassisdone (2) Electronics racks for chassisdone (2) SA + FC power supply chassisdone (2) Guider power supply chassisdone Instr. wiring harnessesdone Temperature, pressure, voltage sensorsIP

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update24 Detector systems: Flexure sensor detectors - First light on first sensor 5/15/03! Science array CCD/controller performance: - SITe RN spec: 4.5e- min < 5.2e- typ < 6.5e- max, 20us/px - Measured single chip RN 3.5e- at 10us/px - Full array 4.8e- at 10us/px (estimate, not optimized) - No measurable crosstalk - CCD operating temperature: -110C - Column-wise image bleeding - in CCDs? - Additional cold room testing in May

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update25 First light image from one of two flexure control detectors in the IMACS focal plane.

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update26 Software: Instrument Control (Birk) Individual module testing: ModuleGUI statusSW/HW Int. Pr. Guiderdonedone SH guiderdonedone CF guiderdoneIP Slit Mask Serverdonedone Disperser Serverdonedone Long Camera Focusdonedone Filter Servers (2)donedone Flexure Control (LUT)donedone Detector Focusdonedone HP Sensor SystemdoneIP

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update27 Software: Instrument Control cont. Test and integration instrument control: - One GUI at this level, showing all critical aspects of each module: ready to ship User Level Software: - Two GUIs at this level: - Instrument control interface: ready to ship - Graphical Instr. Status Display:ready to ship

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update28 Software: Science Array Control (Birk) Shutter control: - micro-controller for linear motorsdone CCD readout / camera control: - “ccdserver” for array readoutready to ship - “camgui” for user interfaceready to ship Quick-Look Tool:ready to ship

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update29 Coming up: - Function and performance testing (in progress) - Cold testing of mechanisms (in progress) - Cold testing of optical systems - Thermal focus look-up table for f/4 camera - Flexure maps and control loops (open and closed) - Plumbing of liquid cooling system (in progress) - Installation of air over-pressure and circulation systems - Mounting of last two grisms and Al imaging mirror - Design of echellette opto-mechanics - Final test and integration of FC detectors (“wing chips”)

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update30 Shipping and installation: - Pre-shipment review 5/28/03 - External reviewers: - Harland Epps, UCSC - Jerry Nelson, UCSC - Dan Fabricant, Harvard/SAO - Bob Fata, Harvard/SAO - Disassembly starts week of 6/16/03 - Shipment to Long Beach on 7/1/03 - Columbus voyage #357 departs 7/5/03, arrives 7/23/03 - Container arrives at LCO on or around 8/1/03

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update31 Shipping and installation: Continued: - Installation preparation starts 8/1/03 - Installation time runs 8/6 - 8/18 Local Preparations: - Installation schedule (Bigelow) 90% - Commissioning schedule (Dressler, Oemler)IP - Shipping plan (Bigelow)IP - LCO Support agreement (Bigelow, Dressler)IP - Shipping crates and containers (OCIW)90%

17/18 May 2003IMACS SAC meeting update32 Shipping and installation: - Instrument document suite (all web-based): - Engineering manual + drawingsIP - Electronics manual + schematicsIP - Software manualIP - Detector systems manualIP - User’s manualIP