Scene 1 An Emperor Penguin family is hungry so they head out to their favorite fish restraunt to get their favorite fish dish
At the Fish Dish restaurant They arrive and are disapointed to find that their favorite fish dish can no longer be served due to a shortage of fish.
Papa Penguin decides to go and find out what has caused the shortage of fish. He soons comes across a fishing fleet of humans. He wonders why the humans would take so much of their food. After all, penguins know humans hate fish.
Barn owl Maxine the barn owl wants to provide for her family but because of the humans all the rats are dying because of poison. She decides to go undercover and find out why the humans poison one of the owls only food source.
Pt. 2. Maxine finds a box with a description about why humans kill of the rats but it still doesn’t make sense so she heads home to ponder on the thought.
Maxine’s search. Maxine the owl decides to fly and try and find some food for her family that is not poisoned.
Meanwhile, Papa penguin is looking for a new fishing spot since the humans have taken over the penguin’s fishing village of Penguina. He start’s to swim off into warmer water’s and he ends up on the cost of California near a city called San Marcos. where he finds a fish market which is selling fish from Antarctica where he is from!
Inside the fish market Papa Penguin goes into the fishmart and finds there favorite kind of fish. He puts into a bag and leaves the store.
Maxine Maxine finally finds an owl box with rats running in a field that have not been poisoned. She decides to change her name to molly and start a family with a man named Mcgee. Little does she know that her every move is being streamed across the internet.
The end You have seen some examples of some impacts that we have on the way animals live. With Papa Penguin and his family overfishing caused his family to run out of food. And with Maxine (now Molly) some of her family got sick because of poisoned rats.