terramapserver A Perfect Platform for Managing Geospatial Information via the Web GSDI6 Conference - From Global to Local September 18, 2002, Budapest, Hungary Dr. Oliver Schleider Terra Map Server GmbH Stockholmer Allee Dortmund Germany
Geodata:Geodata: „... too expensive“ „... hard to get“ „I don‘t know what‘s available“ „... not available at all“ „I don‘t need them ! (Do I ?)“
Contents Contents Business with terramapserver Inside terramapserver terramapserver and the GI market How terramapserver enables a GSDI Summary
The Geoinformation Supply Chain customer (groups) web- service provider application provider (geo)data provider infrastructure provider service provider hosting partner managed solutions white label retail transactions
Views on terramapserver: data providers: VAR contracts, reselling over additional customer- oriented channels infrastructure users (ASP, Hosting): reduce geo-projects‘ TCO and time-to-market business partners (The Button, partner solutions): manageable web services with owner concept, transactional billing end customers: full service for geo-information
Contents Contents Business with terramapserver Inside terramapserver terramapserver and the GI market How terramapserver enables a GSDI Summary
> 5 Tera Byte Approx. value € 4 M Geodata Content Geodata Content State Survey Authority of NRW, Niedersachsen, Hamburg coverage: 34% of German population Orthophotos, DGK 1:5.000, TK 1:25.000, TK 1:50.000, TK 1: ,6 Mill. building coordinates incl. house numbers of NRW Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet local public authorities City maps Orthophotos GEOSPACE coverage: 60% of German territory Orthophotos GfK Group coverage: 100% of Germany Population on ZIP code basis (demographic data) NAVTECH - Germany, coverage: Europe Street navigation ANDES - Germany coverage: Europe Raster: street level
Geodata Content Geodata Content > 5 Tera Byte Approx. value € 4 M Europe Germany
THE BUTTON Examples: MS-WORD Integration THE BUTTON Examples: MS-WORD Integration get Geodata in seconds and save costs! per use about 40€
Summary Summary THE BUTTON is the first e-business solution of its kind routes a geoinformation pipeline between terramapserver components and the end-user solution extends the functional range of GIS and CAD systems with on-the-fly navigation and information embedding is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day eliminates breaks in the user workflow provides efficient data management and …. it saves costs!
Infrastructure Infrastructure availability and scalability – 2.5 million maps per day
Statistik: user / hits p.m.
Geo-Services Geo-Services Locate... Display... Route... FindNearest... FindClosest... XYZ.... Der Knopf The Button Datatransfer XML web applications desktop applications intranet applications log and billing database service admin center customer data billing data conditions … location-based services DataInfoGeocoding Server Site ClientService Route calculat.Data Ordering
each owner or customer has it´s own config. Configuration of services
easy to use! (incl. PrePaid account) Configuration of services
Owner has total control of his account ! Configuration of services
e-Commerce e-Commerce Individual formats and projections Online fulfillment Tailored e-shop Individual, direct selection of AOI Online visualisation Comprehensive navigation
Contents Contents Introduction Business with terramapserver Inside terramapserver terramapserver and the GI market How terramapserver enables a GSDI Summary
terramapserver and the GI market: more availability and transparency: required are: new applications and services: more advertising adaptation of prices and terms of use application training HA concept server & data, catalog web service The Button (Der Knopf) (The Button) partnering pixel pricing (map service), individual AOI (e-shop) not necessary ! (standardization and embedding of „Der Knopf“)
Geodata:Geodata: „... too expensive“ „... hard to get“ „I don‘t know what‘s available“ „... not available at all“ „I don‘t need them ! (Do I ?)“
Contents Contents Introduction Business with terramapserver Inside terramapserver terramapserver and the GI market How terramapserver enables a GSDI Summary
How terramapserver enables a GSDI How terramapserver enables a GSDI emphasize economic aspects and follow market drivers enable municipal and SME geodata marketing (and management) as full service provider integrated access to geodata via operative standard software Affiliation with GDI Northrhine-Westfalia
Summary Summary Infrastructure High availability, scalability and performance (powered by GeoMedia Web Enterprise) Efficient data management based on standards (OGC/ISO,XML) SQL Server & Oracle 9i support Services & products E-shop Hosting / ASP / geo-services for partner solutions DER KNOPF (The Button) for business customers and consumers Consulting Impact on geo-business Reduced hardware, software, and storage costs Efficient ordering process High availability and reduced costs of data and applications
Outlook – 3D Outlook – 3D