Proposal Presentation
Introduction - Not much studied - Topical - Likely to continue into future - High level of political interference - Problem w/ productivity in Govt. Org. - Affect dev. & productivity of country - Gender based disparity - still more graduates looking for govt. job - Findings - Help take corrective actions
The graduates who passed out from Sri Lankan government universities & got the jobs under Graduate Scheme – 2005, do satisfy with their current occupation? Research Problem/ question
To evaluate job satisfaction of graduates; passed out from Sri Lankan government universities & got the jobs under “Graduate scheme -2005”, in terms of, - Having opportunities to develop/ climb in carrier ladder - Satisfaction with salary - Matching job tasks with qualifications of basic degree - Too high/ insufficient workload - When it is necessary, ability to grant leave easily Objectives
Literature Review
Job Satisfaction - Pleasurable emotional state resulting from appraisal of one’s job an affective reaction to one’s job; & attitude towards one’s job - Is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect beliefs & behaviors (Weiss,2002)
The Theory …. - Hackman & Oldham (1975) suggested that jobs differ in the extent to which they involve 5 core dimensions 1. Skill variety 2. Task identity 3. Task significance 4. Autonomy 5. Task feedback
- If jobs are designed in a way that increases the presence of these core characteristics 3 critical psychological states can occur in employees 1. Experienced meaningfulness of work 2. Experienced responsibility for work outcomes 3. Knowledge of results of work activities - So, when these critical psychological states are experienced, work motivation & job satisfaction will be high - Correlates of job satisfaction – w/ gender
Conceptual Framework Job satisfaction of Graduates in Scheme 2005 Workload - Too high - Insufficient Satisfaction with salary Matching job tasks with qualifications of basic degree Having opportunities to develop/ climb in carrier ladder Ability to grant leave easily
Hypotheses Hypothesis 1 Job satisfaction increases with the opportunities to career development in 2005 graduate scheme employees than non scheme graduates Hypothesis 2 There is a relationship between salary and job satisfaction of graduates in 2005 graduates scheme Hypothesis 3 Job satisfaction increases with matching jobs to the qualification of basic degree in 2005 graduate scheme employees than non scheme graduates
Hypothesis 4 There is a relationship between the job satisfaction and assigned work load in 2005 graduate scheme employees. Hypothesis 5 Job satisfaction is higher with the ability to grant leave in employees in 2005 graduate scheme than non scheme employees.
Methodology Sampling – Population- Graduated workforce in Sri Lanka – Sampling frame- List from Department of Labour & Department of Pension – Sample size- 200 employees
Methodology contd.. – Sampling method Graduated Employees 1 Private and Self employment 2 Public »Schemed graduates »Non- schemed graduates Before 2005 After 2005
Methodology contd.. Measures – Demographic variables Age, gender, race – direct single questions
Methodology contd.. Independent variables – Opportunity to climb in carrier ladder Questionnaire- 5 items (adapted by Jon Citizen ) –Have I planned what I need to do now? and later on? –What support is available to assist me in making it happen? –How do I market myself? –What should I put in my portfolio, résumé or proposal? –Do my interviewing and negotiation skills need improving? 5 point Lickert- type scale 1- dissatisfied/disagree5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. – Satisfaction with salary – Questionnaire- 2 items »Whether to satisfy with most recent raise? »Whether to satisfy with take-home pay? 5 point Lickert- type scale 1- dissatisfied/disagree5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. – Matching job task with qualifications Questionnaire- 2 items Does the present job match with degree? Is it necessary to add more qualification? 5 point Lickert- type scale 1- dissatisfied/disagree5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. – Assigned workload questionnaire- 2 items Is it possible to finish assigned work on time? Does the assigned work match with the qualification? 5 point Lickert- type scale 1- dissatisfied/disagree5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. – Ability to grant leave easily questionnaire- 2 items Whether agree to have online permission for leave? Do you happy with the annual leave days? 5 point Lickert- type scale 1- dissatisfied/disagree5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. – Dependent variable Job satisfaction – Questionnaire- 5 items (adapted by Linda Gravett ) – Do I understand what is expected of me? – Do I have the resources to successfully complete my job? – Does my boss care about me as a person? – Does anyone listen to my opinion? – Do I have the chance to learn and grow on this job? – Measure- 5 point Likert- type scale – 1- dissatisfied/ disagree 5- satisfied/agree
Methodology contd.. Data collection Using pre- tested questionnaire Data Analysing – Multiple regression
References 1.Weiss, H. M. (2002). Deconstructing job satisfaction: separating evaluations, beliefs and affective experiences. Human Resource Management Review,12, p Job satisfaction[online] available at: needs [Accessed 05 th August 2009] 3.Locke, 1976 cited in Brief, A. P., & Weiss, H. M. (2001). Organizational behavior: affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, , p